Building Physical and Mental Preparedness: Basic First Aid Training at FISIP Undip.

Posted by Admin

March 26, 2024

Semarang (25/03) – In an increasingly complex and demanding era, the importance of mental health cannot be overlooked. Good mental health not only encompasses the ability to cope with pressure and stress but also influences readiness to provide first aid in emergencies. Therefore, the Basic First Aid Training organized by the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) at Universitas Diponegoro (Undip) not only strengthens physical skills but also emphasizes the importance of mental health for all participants.

The event, which took place on Saturday, March 23, 2024, in the Auditorium of FISIP Undip, was initiated by the Healthy Campus and FISIP Undip Wellness Units (FWU) in collaboration with the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) of Semarang City. The event was attended by representatives of student associations from five study programs at FISIP Undip, educational staff, and PMI personnel from Semarang City.

The event was officially opened by the Vice Dean of Resources at FISIP Undip, Ika Riswanti Putranti, S.H., M.H., Ph.D. In her opening remarks, Mrs. Ika Riswanti stated that this event was the first of its kind held at FISIP Undip. She also expressed her hope to organize similar events in the future, considering the increasing number of new students over time.

Also present at the event were the Chair of the FISIP Wellness Unit, Dr. Hapsari Dwiningtyas, S.Sos, M.Si, M.A., and the Chair of the Healthy Campus at FISIP Undip, Anis Qomariah, S.A.B., M.Ling. They commended the implementation of the event aimed at enhancing readiness in providing first aid.

The Basic First Aid Training was conducted with the assistance of three PMI personnel from Semarang City, namely Mr. Danang, Mr. Rafi, and Mr. Rohman. The materials presented in this training not only focused on first aid techniques but also emphasized the importance of providing comfort to victims. This aligns with the primary goal of first aid, which is to save lives, prevent disabilities, and build trust between the victim and the rescuer.

In her explanation, the Chair of FWU FISIP Undip, Dr. Hapsari, revealed that this program was also part of FISIP Undip’s efforts to improve students’ mental health. “There will be peer counsellors who are students assisting in mental health and sexual violence issues,” she said.

Thus, the FWU FISIP Undip program would include training for both physical and mental health, which was expected to be conducted continuously. This is a tangible manifestation of FISIP Undip’s commitment to maintaining the welfare of its students, both physically and mentally.

The Basic First Aid Training event is expected to provide significant benefits to all participants and serve as the first step in strengthening preparedness to face various emergencies within the campus and the wider community.