The Guest Lecturer by the Department of Political and Government Studies regarding Postcolonial Citizenship in Indonesia: A Popular History with the topic of Electoral Institutions will feature the main speaker, Professor Gerry Van Klinken. He holds the position of Senior Research Fellow at KITLV (Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies) and also serves as a Professor of Southeast Asian History at the University of Amsterdam. The lecture will delve into the history of citizenship post the colonial era in Indonesia, with a focus on the processes and development of the electoral system. Historical context and changes in electoral institutions will be presented in an accessible yet informative manner, providing profound insights into how citizenship and political participation have evolved since Indonesia’s independence. This lecture offers an opportunity to comprehend vital aspects of Indonesia’s political history through the perspective of an expert in the field of Southeast Asian history.
Adjustment of UKT for Final Year Students for the Even Semester 2024/2025
Based on Letter Number 442/UN7.A2/KU/XI/2024 dated November 12, 2024, regarding the Adjustment of UKT for the Even...