Definitely! UNDIP Best University in Central Java

Posted by Admin

April 6, 2023

Recently, UniRank published Top Universities in Indonesia, 2023 Indonesian University Ranking, where Universitas Diponegoro ranked 10th as the most popular university in Indonesia. This ranking is above other campuses in Central Java. It proves that Undip remains a favorite campus in Central Java and is one of the best campuses in Indonesia.

As proven by the results of the National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP) announced by the National Selection Team for New Student Admission (SNPMB) PTN 2023 on Tuesday (3/28), Universitas Diponegoro is ranked 3rd PTN (State University) with the most applicants. Undip is also the PTN that received the 6th (sixth) most participants for campuses based in the Central Java and Yogyakarta regions.

In an interview on Tuesday (4/4/2023) with Undip’s Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Faisal said that the large number of applicants showed the great interest of graduates to study at Undip. This cannot be separated from Undip’s achievements. In terms of Alumni quality, Universitas Diponegoro is the number 1 (one) campus whose graduates can immediately get a job according to QS Ranking. The number one ranking was achieved by Undip consecutively in 2021 and 2022. “For campus management and learning environment, Universitas Diponegoro is ranked 2nd best sustainable university by UI Greenmetric. This achievement was obtained three times in a row, in 2020, 2021 and 2022,” said Prof. Faisal. “This means that Undip campus is a green campus that is comfortable and friendly for all campus community members including those with disabilities,” he added.

” In terms of the quality of education, Undip has proven to be superior and classy with 40 study programs out of a total of 169 study programs that have been internationally accredited,” he explained. Study programs that have been internationally accredited by ASIIN (Accreditation Agency for Degree Programs in Engineering, Informatics / Computer Science, the Natural Sciences and Mathematics) include those from the Faculty of Engineering: Bachelor and Master of Architecture, Bachelor and Master of Regional and City Planning, Doctoral of Architecture and Urban Science; from the Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Agriculture: Bachelor of Food Technology, Bachelor of Animal Husbandry and Bachelor of Agribusiness; from the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science: Bachelor of Aquaculture, Bachelor of Marine Science and Bachelor of Oceanography; from the Graduate School: Master and Doctor of Environmental Science; from the Faculty of Science and Mathematics: Bachelor of Biology and Bachelor of Chemistry.

While the internationally accredited study programs according to IABEE (Indonesian Accreditation Board for Engineering Education) are undergraduate programs in Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Computer Engineering, Shipbuilding Engineering, Geodesy Engineering, Civil Engineering and Chemical Engineering from the Faculty of Engineering.

The next internationally accredited study programs by FIBAA (Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation) are Bachelor of Accounting, Bachelor of Economics, Bachelor of Islamic Economics, Bachelor of Management, Master of Economics, Master of Management and Doctor of Economics from the Faculty of Economics and Business. Then the Bachelor and Master of Law programs from the Faculty of Law. From the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, the Bachelor of Indonesian Literature and Bachelor of History programs. While from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, the Bachelor of Business Administration and Bachelor of Communication Science. As well as the Bachelor of Psychology program from the Faculty of Psychology. Several other study programs are proposed and ready to be internationally accredited. “The number of study programs that have been internationally accredited establishes Universitas Diponegoro as a superior World Class University,” he said.

Universitas Diponegoro not only prioritizes the quality of education, but also cares about the needs of campus community. Undip’s concern is realized by building facilities and infrastructure for sports and discussion rooms for students. Moreover, for ease of transportation while reducing pollution and noise in the campus environment, Undip provides campus buses for students and other campus community members. In addition, Undip also routinely distributes healthy food for students. During the month of Ramadan, healthy food is distributed in the late afternoon for students to break their fast. ( Ut-Public Relations ).

