Higher Education Introduction and Cultural Visit of SMA Al Azhar 8 Bekasi to FISIP Undip

Posted by En_Admin

November 2, 2022

Semarang (2/11) – Several senior high schools from outside the city of Semarang participated in a series of Higher Education Introductions and Cultural Visits to the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro. On Monday, October 10, 2022, FISIP Undip welcomed a visit from SMA Al Fuhsa Kedungwuni, and SMA PGRI 1 Jombang on Thursday, October 13, 2022. Today, FISIP Undip welcomed a visit from SMA Al Azhar 8 Bekasi. This series of activities were attended by the FISIP Undip Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, the FISIP Undip Academic and Student Affairs Supervisor, the Chairperson of the Student Achievement Unit, as well as all Chairpersons of Study Programs and Secretaries of FISIP Undip.

This visit from SMA Al Azhar 8 Bekasi was attended by 104 social science 12 graders and accompanied by 9 teachers. In his remarks, the Principal of SMA Al Azhar 8 Bekasi said that the activity was intended as a means for students to gain knowledge about higher education. He also added that 29 of his students have been accepted at Undip in 2021. He hoped that there would be more students of SMA Al Azhar 8 Bekasi to be accepted at Universitas Diponegoro.

In this activity, the Chairperson of Study Programs and Secretaries of FISIP Undip had the opportunity to introduce their respective study programs to students of SMA Al Azhar 8 Bekasi. Some of the things that were conveyed were related to the profile of graduates, academic and non-academic collaborations, as well as the vision and mission of each study program.



In addition, the number of students who threw out some questions about the existing study program at FISIP Undip showed their high enthusiasm to continue their studies at FISIP Undip. Jasmin Riqael Hardijanti, one of the 12th-grade social science students at SMA Al Azhar 8 Bekasi who was met at the event said that she was very interested in joining the Undip FISIP Business Administration study program.

“I’ve really wanted to take an economics major. So I’ve been focused from the beginning, no matter what, to take economics studies. But the more time passes, I prefer to take Business Administration. At first, I wanted the one at the Faculty of Economics and Business but now I’m interested in Business Administration since it covers a wider area of knowledge,” explained Jasmin.