Undergraduate Admission

Learn more about how to join as part of FISIP UNDIP through the SNBP, SNBT, SBUB, IUP and Independent Test.




Undergraduate Admission

School and Student Database (Pangkalan Data Sekolah dan Siswa/PDSS)

  1. PDSS is a database containing the track record of school performance and academic reports of eligible students.
  2. PDSS accommodates the 2006 National Curriculum KTSP (Education Unit Level Curriculum) and 2013 Curriculum (Package and credits system). Schools that do not adopt the national curriculum are not allowed to register for PDSS.
  3. For the same school year and level, PDSS accommodates curriculum differences between odd and even semesters.
  4. PDSS registration is made by the school and the validity of the data submitted is determined by the school principal.


School Eligibility

  1. Senior High School (SMA)/MA/Vocational School (SMK) that has an NPSN (National Principal Number)
  2. Accreditation Requirements:
    1. A accreditation: 40% best in their school
    2. B accreditation: 25% best in their school
    3. C accreditation and others: 5% best in their school
  3. Fill in the School and Student Database (PDSS). The student data submitted should only be eligible in accordance with the provisions.


Participant Eligibility

High school students in the final year ( 12th grade) in 2023 who have excellent achievements:

  1. Have academic achievement and qualify according to the requirements set by each state university.
  2. Have NISN (National Student Identification Number) and registered in PDSS
  3. Have an academic report for semesters 1 to 5 that has been submitted to PDSS
  4. Participants who choose arts and sports study programs are required to upload a Portfolio.


Preferred Study Program

  1. Every student from science, social studies or language majors is allowed to choose a program of study at a state university.
  2. Each student can choose two study programs from one state university or two state universities.
  3. If you select two study programs, one of them must be at a state university in the same province as your SMA/MA/SMK. If you choose one study program, you can choose a state university in any province.



There are 10 types of portfolios, as follows.

  1. Sports;
  2. Fine Art, Design and Craft;
  3. Dance (including Sendratasik / Performing Arts Dance option);
  4. Theatre (including Sendratasik/ Performing Arts Theater option/Drama);
  5. Music (including Sendratasik/ Performing Arts Music option);
  6. Karawitan Art;
  7. Ethnomusicology;
  8. Photography;
  9. Film and Television;
  10. Puppetry


Stages of Enrollment

*) Quota Announcement: December 28, 2022.

Refutation period service regarding quotas will be no later than Monday, January 17, 2023, 15.00 GMT+7.



Provisions for Student Ranking by School

  1. Student ranking is conducted by the school by taking into account the average score of all subjects from semester 1 to semester 5.
  2. Schools can add other criteria in the form of academic achievement in determining student rankings if there are similar values.
  3. The number of students included in the ranking is in accordance with the provisions of the school accreditation quota.



  1. https://snpmb.bppp.kemdikbud.go.id/?mid=4

SNBT General Information



UTBK-SNBT 2023 can be taken by students who graduated in 2021, 2022, and 2023 from secondary education (SMA/MA/SMK and equivalent education), as well as graduates of Package C National Senior High School Equivalency Examination in 2021, 2022, and 2023 with a maximum age of 25 years (as of July 1, 2023). Participation in UTBK is the main requirement to take part in the Test-Based National Selection (SNBT) at Academic Universities, Vocational Universities, and State Islamic Universities (PTKIN).



  1. UTBK fee of IDR 200,000 (two hundred thousand rupiahs)
  2. Fees already paid are non-refundable for any reason.


UTBK-SNBT Objectives

  1. To predict prospective students who are able to complete their studies in higher education well and on time; and
  2. To provide opportunities for prospective students to take the test flexibly, by choosing the location and time of the test.
  3. To provide opportunities for prospective students to choose Academic Universities, Vocational Universities, and PTKIN across regions; and
  4. To select prospective students based on UTBK results and/or other criteria set by Academic Universities, Vocational Universities, and PTKIN.


General Requirements

  • SNBT participants are only allowed to take UTBK once
  • UTBK results are only for applying for SNBT 2023 registration.
  • SNBT 2023 is carried out based on UTBK results and can be added with other criteria in accordance with the provisions of the relevant Academic Universities, Vocational Universities, or PTKIN.


Participant Requirements

  1. Have an SNPMB Account.
  2. Indonesian citizen (WNI) who has a National Identity Number (NIK).
  3. SMA/MA/SMK/equivalent education prospective graduates in 2023 must have a Statement of 12-Grade (SMA/MA/SMK) Students or Package C students in 2023 with a maximum age of 25 years (by July 1, 2023).
    Statement of 12-Grade Student is included with:

    • recent photo (colour)
    • school seal/stamp
    • the signature of the school principal
  4. Students who graduated from SMA/MA/SMK/equivalent education in 2021 and 2022 or graduated from Package C in 2021 and 2022 must have a diploma with a maximum age of 25 years (by July 1, 2023). Graduates of overseas education programs equivalent to high school (SMA) must have a diploma that has been equalized.
  5. Did not pass the SNBP 2023 or SNMPTN pathway in 2021, or 2022.
  6. Have adequate health so as not to interfere with the study process.
  7. Participants who choose the Arts and Sports study program are required to upload a portfolio.
  8. For participants with visual impairment must upload a Statement of Visual Impairment.
  9. UTBK 2023 results are only valid for SNBT and State University 2023 admissions

UTBK Material


  1. Scholastic Potential Test (TPS)
    • TPS measures Cognitive Abilities that are considered critical for performance in formal schooling, particularly higher education. In TPS, General Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Ability, General Knowledge and Comprehension, and Reading and Writing Ability will be tested. Quantitative ability will include Knowledge and Mastery of Basic Mathematics.
  2. Literacy in Bahasa Indonesia and English
    • Measures the ability to understand, use, evaluate, and reflect on various types of texts to solve problems and develop individual capacity as Indonesian citizens and global citizens in order to contribute productively to society.
  3. Mathematical Reasoning
    • Measures the ability to think using mathematical concepts, procedures, facts, and tools to solve everyday problems in various types of contexts relevant to individuals as Indonesian citizens and global citizens.




There are 10 types of portfolios, as follows.

  1. Sports;
  2. Fine Arts, Design and Craft;
  3. Dance (including Sendratasik / Performing Arts Dance option);
  4. Theatre (including Sendratasik/ Performing Arts Theater option/Drama);
  5. Music (including Sendratasik/ Performing Arts Music option);
  6. Karawitan Art;
  7. Ethnomusicology;
  8. Photography;
  9. Film and Television;
  10. Puppetry.

General information and portfolio guidelines can be found in the download menu

Registration Stages

In general, the stages of UTBK-SNBT registration are as follows:

  1. SNBT Account Registration
  2. Log in
  3. Choose Data Verification and Validation Menu
    • Fill out and complete the biodata, upload a recent colour photo, and verify the biodata as well as download and upload the statement of visual impairment/low vision.
  4. Selecting UTBK-SNBT Registration Menu
    • Choose a Study Program, Upload your Portfolio, Choose UTBK University Center, and get a UTBK Fee Payment Slip
  5. Payment 
    • To be announced later.
  6. Print out UTBK-SNBT Participant Card

Preferable Study Program

Each student is allowed to choose two study programs at one state university or one study program each at two state universities (Merdeka Bertanggung Jawab).



  1. https://snpmb.bppp.kemdikbud.go.id/?mid=9

Seleksi Bibit Unggul Berprestasi (SBUB/Selection of Outstanding Candidate)

Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP) opens the opportunity to be the new student candidates for the Undergraduate (S1) and Diploma programs through the Seleksi Bibit Unggul Berprestasi (SBUB) in 2023.

The requirements for joining this selection :

  1. Graduated in the last 3 years (2019, 2020 and 2021) from Senior High School / MA / Vocational School / Vocational MA
  2. Has an average academic score by the 7th semester (Scale 100).

Registration Procedure :

  1. Participant create a registered user using email, CLICK HERE
  2. Participant choose the SBUB line
  3. To pay the registration fee at the designated bank (Bank BNI, Bank BRI, Bank BTN, Bank Mandiri), CLICK HERE
  4. Participant fills in the talent achievements and prints out the registration card,
  5. Participant submit the registration files by courier or expedition (no need to come in person)
  6. Checking the announcement of the results of file selection online for the phase 1 announcement
  7. Taking the talent selection test and interview for those who pass the file/administration selection (annoucement phase 1)

The file requirements that must be submitted:

  • The latest photo in color, size 4 × 6, as much as 1 pcs
  • Copy of the degree certificate / certificate which has been legalized by the Principal (for 2021 and 2022 graduates)
  • Copy of the Identity card (KTP / SIM / Student Card)
  • Copy of the 1st – 6th Semester academic reports which has been legalized by the Principal for graduates of 2021 and 2022
  • Copy of the 1st – 5th semester academic reports which has been legalized by the principal for graduates of 2023
  • Registration Participant Card received from registration website
  • Registration Participant Form received from registation website
  • Copy of achievement certificate which has been legalized by the Principal
  • All documents are sent by expedition or courier (no need to come in person) addressed to PANITIA SBUB Gedung ICT Kampus UNDIP Jl. Prof Sudarto SH Tembalang Semarang 50275.
  • Files are included in the stofmap with the following colors and attach the participant’s card to the front of the Stopmap with the provisions and checklist table on the back of the front cover, CLICK HERE

Red: Sports line,

Blue: Arts line,

Green: Religious Studies (Tahfidz and Bible Memorization),

Yellow: (Science and Technology line) and (Humanities Social line)


  1. The frontage of the stofmap is affixed with the participant identification cards which can be obtained while printing out the registration cards, the back cover is affixed with a checklist table CLICK HERE.
  2. The committee is not responsible if the participant sends the original certificate.


    • International Championship = 1st Champion, 2nd Champion, 3rd Champion
    • National Championship = 1st Champion, 2nd Champion, 3rd Champion
    • Provincial Championship = 1st Champion


    • Sports line: National Sports Committees such as: BOPI, PSSI, PBSI, PERPANI, FORKI, BAPOMI, BAPOPSI, IPSI, PELTI, PRSI, PTMSI, PB TI,
    • Arts, Science, Social and Humanities Line: Ministry of Education and Culture, Ministry of Religion, Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Youth and Sports, other relevant Ministries, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) and Saintek, Social and Humanities Competition held by UNDIP,
    • Religious line: Religious Institutions


    No Line Talent Achievement
    20 ART MTQ
    24 ART DANCE


    Registration Calendar

    Online Registration :  March 16 – April 17,  2023
    Submission of Registration Files :  March 16 – April 17, 2023
    Announcement of File Selection Results (stage 1), : April 29, 2023 (postponed to May 2, 2023)
    Talent Selection Test (for those who pass stage 1) :

      May, 2 -5 2023 (postponed to May 4-6, 2023) (Science and Technology Category)

    May 15-19, 2023 (Art, Tahfidz and Sports Categories)

    Announcement of Talent Selection Test Results (Stage 2) : May 29, 2023
    Interview Test (for those who pass Stage 2) : June 5 – 7, 2023
    Final Announcement :  June 12, 2023

    Registration Fee: Rp. 250.000,- (Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Rupiah)

    Notes: All forms of registration fees that have been deposited to Undip cannot be withdrawn for any reason. For a circular letter on the withdrawal of the registration fees, please check here

    International Undergraduate Program

    Universitas Diponegoro opens the International Class for the Undergraduate program. The International Undergraduate Program (IUP) is designed as a special class with English as a medium of communication in all campus activities. The IUP class is designed to produce graduates with global competitiveness and the widest possible opportunity for prospective national and international students.

    Requirements for this selection:

    1. Graduates of Senior High School / Vocational School / MA or equivalent, have passed the equation test, or other equivalents (package C) in 2022, 2021 and 2020
    2. Meet the physical health requirements and are not colour blind as determined by the study program,
    3. Maximum age of 20 years old,

    Registration Procedures:

    1. Participants create a registered user using their email, Clickhere
    2. Participants fill in their personal data and choose the UM IUP option line
    3. Make the payment for the registration fee at the designated bank (Bank BNI, Bank BRI, Bank BTN, Bank Mandiri) Clickhere
    4. Participants print out their participant cards
    5. Participants take the online test and interview.

    Study Program

    • High School/MA/Science Vocational School: Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Urban & Regional Planning, Chemistry, Biology, Management, Economics, Accounting, Communication Science, Business Administration, Law, and English Literature, Public Administration, Governance Studies
    • High School/MA/Social Science Vocational School/Language: Management, Developmental Economics, Accounting, Communication Science, Business Administration, Law, and English Literature, Public Administration, Governance Studies

    Exam Materials

    • Scholastic Potential Test (TPS): Figural, Verbal, Logic, Numerical
    • Diponegoro English Test (Prediction Toefl)
    • Interview in English

    Selection Schedule

    Online Registration :  March 8 – May 9, 2022
    Selection Test : May 11, 2022
    Interview Test : May 11 – 13, 2022
    Result Announcement : May 25, 2022


    Registration Fee: Rp. 1.000.000

    Tuition Fee: CLICK HERE

    Study Programs

    No Study Program
    1 Accounting
    2 Management
    3 Economy
    4 Communication Science
    5 Business Administration
    6 Governance Studies
    7 Public Administration
    8 Law
    9 Industrial Engineering
    10 Chemical Engineering
    11 Civil Engineering
    12 Urban and Regional Planning
    13 Biology
    14 Chemistry
    15 English Literature

    Partner Universities Abroad which are in collaboration with respective study programs:

    Study Program: Management, Economics, Accounting• Double Degree Partner: Curtin University-Australia, Saxion University-Belanda• Credit Transfer System: Universite Du Mans, Universite De La Reunion, Universite Paris 13 Sorbonne, European Business School, GES (Groupe Des Ecoles Specialises), Medicis Business School Paris 13, Institut European Des Affaires

    Study Program: Law Science Credit Transfer System with partner Universities: Leiden University-Belanda, Flinders University- Australia

    Study Program: Communication Science Credit Transfer System with partner Universities: Myeongji University-Korsel, Dong Ah University-Korsel, Woosong University- Korsel, Chung Ang University-Korsel, Radbound University-Belanda, Ateneo de Manila University-Filipina, Curtin University-Australia

    Study Program: Business Administration Credit Transfer System with partner Universities: National Tsing Hua University-Taiwan, National United University-Taiwan, National Central University-Taiwan, Youngsan University-Korsel, Myeongji University-Korsel, Chung Ang University-Korsel, Gyeongsang National University-Korsel, Dong Ah University-Korsel, Aydin Istanbul University-Turki

    Study Program: Public Administration Credit Transfer System with partner Universities: Dong Ah University-Korsel, Curtin University-Australia

    Study Program: Governance Science Credit Transfer System with partner Universities: Radbound University – Belanda, Curtin University-Australia, Wyoming University-Amerika Serikat

    Study Program: English Literature Credit Transfer System with partner Universities: Asia University-Taiwan

    Study Program: Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Urban Area Planning Credit Transfer System or Double degree with partner Universities: Hull University-United Kingdom, Curtin University-Australia, Newcastle University-Australia, National Taiwan University Science And Technology- Taiwan, UITM Mara-Malaysia, Brunei University-Brunei

    Study Program: Biology, Chemistry Credit Transfer System with partner Universities: University Chularongkon-Thailand, University Malaysia Sabah-Malaysia, University Anston-Australia, University Kyushu-Jepang, National Dong Hua University Taipei-Taiwan


    Accepted Students will enter the lecture calendar coincides with the regular class in August 2022

    Contact of the FEB Secretariat

    Secretariat of the International Office of the Economics and Business Faculty, UNDIP

    Jl. Prof. Soedarto SH Tembalang, Semarang

    Phone. (024) 76486851/082225507082 (Rahayu Safitri/Hani Purwanti)

    Email international.feb@live.undip.ac.id

    Contact of the Communication Science Secretariat

    Umi (085643295692)

    Website: komunikasi.fisip.undip.ac.id

    Instagram: @comm.iup

    Contact of the Business Administration Secretariat

    Robetmi Jumpakita P, S.AB, MBA

    08229416827 (Message)

    0886978104109 (WA)

    Contact of the Public Administration Secretariat

    1. Dr. AP.Tri Yuniningsih, MS Phone Number. 085865964390
    2. Retna Hanani.S.Sos, MPP Phone Number. 082113225596.

    Contact of the Governance Studies Secretariat

    1. Dzuwanus Ghulam Manar , MSi Phone Number. 0816651925
    2. Wijayanto , PhD Phone Number.087717012019.


    Note: All forms of paid registration fees are non-refundable for any reason.


    Learn about the Independent Examination of Universitas Diponegoro‘s Undergraduate Program 2023

    Independent Examination (UM) for Undergraduate Program is an independent selection organized by Universitas Diponegoro through several assessment methods,

    1. Written test and
    2. National insight paper.


    General Requirements

    1. Graduates of Senior High School/ Vocational School / MA or equivalent education program, have passed the equation test, or other equivalent tests (package C) in 2021, 2022 and 2023
    2. Applicants must be at least 22 years old at the time of application.

    Specific Requirements

    1. Pass the color differentiation test in accordance with scientific demands, for the study programs of Medicine, Dental Medicine, Nursing, Nutrition, Pharmacy, Public Health, Animal Husbandry, Agricultural Product Technology, Agroecotechnology, Agribusiness, Physics, Informatics, Biotechnology, Aquatic Resource Management, Aquaculture, Capture Fisheries, Marine Science, Oceanography, Fish Product Technology, Civil Engineering, Architecture, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Regional and Urban Planning, Environmental Engineering, Naval Architecture Engineering, Geological Engineering, Geodetic Engineering which will be proven by a Medical test.
    2. Pass the Psychometric test, for Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy and Dental Medicine study programs which will be carried out at the time of Online Registration of new student candidates.


      Important Notes: Prospective new students who do not meet the general and/or specific requirements will be declared invalid.


      1. Read and understand the participant requirements to register for the desired study program.
      2. Participants create a user on the registration website using their email, CLICK HERE
      3. Enter your personal data, parents’ data, and education data.
      4. Participants choose the UM Sarjana option pathway and fill in the data according to the form. Make sure your choice is correct before saving. After saving, you will get a Billkey Number for the registration fee.
      5. Participants make the payment for the registration fee at the designated bank (Bank BNI, Bank BRI, Bank BTN, Bank Mandiri) CLICK HERE
      6. After completing the payment, Participants can log back into the Registration Account click “Lihat Data” (View Data)
      7. Refresh the browser to check the payment status.
      8. Submit the National Insight paper.
      9. Upload files (in .pdf format).
      10. If the payment status has changed, immediately click “Cetak Kartu Peserta” (Print Participant Card). Make sure the exam card data is correct and the exam schedule has been printed. Participants who are entitled to take the exam are those who have printed the participant card.
      11. Take the exam according to the schedule and conditions stated on the participant card.


      Important Notes: Failure to follow the registration procedure may result in the registration not being processed.

      Exam Materials:

      UM Exam material is equivalent to UTBK-SNBT material, including :

      1. Scholastic Potential Test (TPS) which consists of General Reasoning Ability; General Knowledge and Comprehension; Reading Comprehension and Writing Ability; Quantitative Knowledge.
      2. Literacy Test consisting of Literacy in Bahasa Indonesia and English; Mathematical Reasoning.

      Registration Fee :

      Rp. 350.000,- (three hundred fifty thousand rupiah)

      Tuition Fee

      Click Here

      Registration Calendar

      Online Registration : May 12 – June 22, 2023
      Payment : May 12 – June 22, 2023
      Print out the Participant Card : May 12 – June 22, 2023
      Online Test : June 24 – 28, 2023
      Selection Result Announcement Juli 4, 2023


        Device for Written Test (CBT Online)

        Type : Laptop or Personal Computer + Webcam
        Operating System : compatible with Windows: 7,8,10,11, OS X El Capitan or higher
        App : Google Chrome and Zoom (latest update)
        CPU : Core I3 equivalent or higher
        RAM : 4 GB
        WebCam : Available and work properly
        Free Disk Space : > 1 GB
        Internet : 5 Mbps wired network recommended


        Note: All forms of registration fees that have been deposited to Undip cannot be withdrawn for any reason 



        Learn about the Universitas Diponegoro Independent Examination (UM S1) Partnership for Undergraduate Program 2023

        Independent Examination (UM S1) Partnership for Undergraduate Program is an independent selection conducted with individual communities who are in favor of working together for the development of Universitas Diponegoro through an assessment method,

        1. Written test and
        2. National insight paper.


        General Requirements

        1. Graduates of Senior High School/ Vocational School / MA or equivalent education program, have passed the equation test, or other equivalent tests (package C) in 2021, 2022 and 2023
        2. Applicants must be at least 22 years old at the time of application.

        Specific Requirements

        1. Pass the color differentiation test in accordance with scientific demands, for the study programs of Medicine, Dental Medicine, Nursing, Nutrition, Pharmacy, Public Health, Animal Husbandry, Agricultural Product Technology, Agroecotechnology, Agribusiness, Physics, Informatics, Biotechnology, Aquatic Resource Management, Aquaculture, Capture Fisheries, Marine Science, Oceanography, Fish Product Technology, Civil Engineering, Architecture, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Regional and Urban Planning, Environmental Engineering, Naval Architecture Engineering, Geological Engineering, Geodetic Engineering which will be proven by a Medical test.
        2. Pass the Psychometric test, for Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy and Dental Medicine study programs which will be carried out at the time of Online Registration of new student candidates.


          Important Notes: Prospective new students who do not meet the general and/or specific requirements will be declared invalid.


          1. Read and understand the participant requirements to register for the desired study program.
          2. Participants create a user on the registration website using their email, CLICK HERE
          3. Enter your personal data, parents’ data, and education data.
          4. Participants choose the UM Sarjana option pathway and fill in the data according to the form. Make sure your choice is correct before saving. After saving, you will get a Billkey Number for the registration fee.
          5. Participants make the payment for the registration fee at the designated bank (Bank BNI, Bank BRI, Bank BTN, Bank Mandiri) CLICK HERE
          6. After completing the payment, Participants can log back into the Registration Account click “Lihat Data” (View Data)
          7. Refresh the browser to check the payment status.
          8. Submit the National Insight paper.
          9. Upload files (in .pdf format).
          10. If the payment status has changed, immediately click “Cetak Kartu Peserta” (Print Participant Card). Make sure the exam card data is correct and the exam schedule has been printed. Participants who are entitled to take the exam are those who have printed the participant card.
          11. Take the exam according to the schedule and conditions stated on the participant card.


          Important Notes: Failure to follow the registration procedure may result in the registration not being processed.

          Exam Materials:

          UM Exam material is equivalent to UTBK-SNBT material, including :

          1. Scholastic Potential Test (TPS) which consists of General Reasoning Ability; General Knowledge and Comprehension; Reading Comprehension and Writing Ability; Quantitative Knowledge.
          2. Literacy Test consisting of Literacy in Bahasa Indonesia and English; Mathematical Reasoning.

          Registration Fee :

          Rp. 350.000,- (three hundred fifty thousand rupiah)

          Tuition Fee

          Click Here

          Registration Calendar

          Online Registration : July 5 – 18, 2023
          Payment : July 5 – 18, 2023
          File Upload : July 23 – 24, 2023
          Online Test : July 25 – 27, 2023
          Selection Result Announcement Juli 28, 2023


            Device for Written Test (CBT Online)

            Type : Laptop or Personal Computer + Webcam
            Operating System : compatible with Windows: 7,8,10,11, OS X El Capitan or higher
            App : Google Chrome and Zoom (latest update)
            CPU : Core I3 equivalent or higher
            RAM : 4 GB
            WebCam : Available and work properly
            Free Disk Space : > 1 GB
            Internet : 5 Mbps wired network recommended


            Note: All forms of registration fees that have been deposited to Undip cannot be withdrawn for any reason 



            Learn about the Universitas Diponegoro Independent Examination (UM S1) Partnership 2 for Undergraduate Program 2023

            Independent Examination (UM S1) Partnership 2 for Undergraduate Program is an independent selection conducted with individual communities who are in favor of working together for the development of Universitas Diponegoro through an assessment method,

            1. Written test and
            2. National insight paper.


            General Requirements

            1. Graduates of Senior High School/ Vocational School / MA or equivalent education program, have passed the equation test, or other equivalent tests (package C) in 2021, 2022 and 2023
            2. Applicants must be at least 22 years old at the time of application.

            Specific Requirements

            1. Pass the color differentiation test in accordance with scientific demands, for the study programs of Medicine, Dental Medicine, Nursing, Nutrition, Pharmacy, Public Health, Animal Husbandry, Agricultural Product Technology, Agroecotechnology, Agribusiness, Physics, Informatics, Biotechnology, Aquatic Resource Management, Aquaculture, Capture Fisheries, Marine Science, Oceanography, Fish Product Technology, Civil Engineering, Architecture, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Regional and Urban Planning, Environmental Engineering, Naval Architecture Engineering, Geological Engineering, Geodetic Engineering which will be proven by a Medical test.
            2. Pass the Psychometric test, for Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy and Dental Medicine study programs which will be carried out at the time of Online Registration of new student candidates.


              Important Notes: Prospective new students who do not meet the general and/or specific requirements will be declared invalid.


              1. Read and understand the participant requirements to register for the desired study program.
              2. Participants create a user on the registration website using their email, CLICK HERE
              3. Enter your personal data, parents’ data, and education data.
              4. Participants choose the UM Sarjana option pathway and fill in the data according to the form. Make sure your choice is correct before saving. After saving, you will get a Billkey Number for the registration fee.
              5. Participants make the payment for the registration fee at the designated bank (Bank BNI, Bank BRI, Bank BTN, Bank Mandiri) CLICK HERE
              6. After completing the payment, Participants can log back into the Registration Account click “Lihat Data” (View Data)
              7. Refresh the browser to check the payment status.
              8. Submit the National Insight paper.
              9. Upload files (in .pdf format).
              10. If the payment status has changed, immediately click “Cetak Kartu Peserta” (Print Participant Card). Make sure the exam card data is correct and the exam schedule has been printed. Participants who are entitled to take the exam are those who have printed the participant card.
              11. Take the exam according to the schedule and conditions stated on the participant card.


              Important Notes: Failure to follow the registration procedure may result in the registration not being processed.

              Exam Materials:

              UM S1 Partnership 2 Exam material is equivalent to UTBK-SNBT material, including :

              1. Scholastic Potential Test (TPS) which consists of General Reasoning Ability; General Knowledge and Comprehension; Reading Comprehension and Writing Ability; Quantitative Knowledge.
              2. Literacy Test consisting of Literacy in Bahasa Indonesia and English; Mathematical Reasoning.

              Registration Fee :

              Rp. 350.000,- (three hundred fifty thousand rupiah)

              Tuition Fee

              Click Here

              Registration Calendar

              Online Registration : July 21 – 30, 2023
              Payment : July 21 – 30, 2023
              File Upload : July 21 – 30, 2023
              Online Test : July 31, 2023
              Selection Result Announcement : August 2, 2023


                Device for Written Test (CBT Online)

                Type : Laptop or Personal Computer + Webcam
                Operating System : compatible with Windows: 7,8,10,11, OS X El Capitan or higher
                App : Google Chrome and Zoom (latest update)
                CPU : Core I3 equivalent or higher
                RAM : 4 GB
                WebCam : Available and work properly
                Free Disk Space : > 1 GB
                Internet : 5 Mbps wired network recommended


                Note: All forms of registration fees that have been deposited to Undip cannot be withdrawn for any reason 



                WHY CHOOSE FISIP UNDIP?


                IUP Class (International Undergraduate Program)


                International Accredited Study Programs


                Complete facilities to support student learning


                A bunch of scholarship programs


                Expert Lecturers

                Come Join Us and Be A Great Future Leader

                Learn more about the admission