PKM Unit and Student Achievement
Faculty of Social Science and Political Science
Universitas Diponegoro

Challenges and Solutions in E-Government Implementation: A Case Study of Electronic ID Card Services in Pulomerak and Its Relevance for Semarang
FISIP UNDIP, Semarang (2/7) – A journal titled "Implementasi E-Government dalam Pelayanan Publik (Studi Kasus Penyelenggaraan KTP Elektronik di Kecamatan Pulomerak)" (Implementation of E-Government in Public Services: A Case Study of Electronic ID Card Services in...
FISIP Undip Holds FGD with Stakeholders in the Preparation of the 2025-2029 Strategic Plan
Semarang, February 7, 2025 – The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) at Universitas Diponegoro (Undip) organized a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) involving internal and external stakeholders to prepare the FISIP Undip Strategic Plan (Renstra) for 2025-2029....
Developing Disaster-Resilient Villages: Findings from Amni Zarkasyi Rahman, S.A.P., M.Si.’s Research on Landslide Mitigation in Banjarnegara
FISIP UNDIP, Semarang (7/2) – A journal titled Kajian Mitigasi Bencana Tanah Longsor di Kabupaten Banjarnegara (Study on Landslide Disaster Mitigation in Banjarnegara Regency), conducted by Amni Zarkasyi Rahman, S.A.P., M.Si., explores landslide disaster mitigation...
PKM Info
Challenges and Solutions in E-Government Implementation: A Case Study of Electronic ID Card Services in Pulomerak and Its Relevance for Semarang
FISIP UNDIP, Semarang (2/7) – A journal titled "Implementasi E-Government dalam Pelayanan Publik (Studi Kasus Penyelenggaraan KTP Elektronik di Kecamatan Pulomerak)" (Implementation of E-Government in Public Services: A Case Study of Electronic ID Card Services in...
FISIP Undip Holds FGD with Stakeholders in the Preparation of the 2025-2029 Strategic Plan
Semarang, February 7, 2025 – The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) at Universitas Diponegoro (Undip) organized a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) involving internal and external stakeholders to prepare the FISIP Undip Strategic Plan (Renstra) for 2025-2029....
Developing Disaster-Resilient Villages: Findings from Amni Zarkasyi Rahman, S.A.P., M.Si.’s Research on Landslide Mitigation in Banjarnegara
FISIP UNDIP, Semarang (7/2) – A journal titled Kajian Mitigasi Bencana Tanah Longsor di Kabupaten Banjarnegara (Study on Landslide Disaster Mitigation in Banjarnegara Regency), conducted by Amni Zarkasyi Rahman, S.A.P., M.Si., explores landslide disaster mitigation...
Competition Info
Challenges and Solutions in E-Government Implementation: A Case Study of Electronic ID Card Services in Pulomerak and Its Relevance for Semarang
FISIP UNDIP, Semarang (2/7) – A journal titled "Implementasi E-Government dalam Pelayanan Publik (Studi Kasus Penyelenggaraan KTP Elektronik di Kecamatan Pulomerak)" (Implementation of E-Government in Public Services: A Case Study of Electronic ID Card Services in...
FISIP Undip Holds FGD with Stakeholders in the Preparation of the 2025-2029 Strategic Plan
Semarang, February 7, 2025 – The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) at Universitas Diponegoro (Undip) organized a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) involving internal and external stakeholders to prepare the FISIP Undip Strategic Plan (Renstra) for 2025-2029....
Developing Disaster-Resilient Villages: Findings from Amni Zarkasyi Rahman, S.A.P., M.Si.’s Research on Landslide Mitigation in Banjarnegara
FISIP UNDIP, Semarang (7/2) – A journal titled Kajian Mitigasi Bencana Tanah Longsor di Kabupaten Banjarnegara (Study on Landslide Disaster Mitigation in Banjarnegara Regency), conducted by Amni Zarkasyi Rahman, S.A.P., M.Si., explores landslide disaster mitigation...