Occupational Health and Safety (K3) at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences

Diponegoro University

The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Diponegoro University (FISIP Undip) is fully committed to creating a safe, healthy, and comfortable work environment for all academicians. Occupational Health and Safety (K3) is a top priority in all activities carried out on campus. By implementing safety standards and providing appropriate education, FISIP Undip strives to ensure that every individual in the faculty environment is protected from health and safety risks.

Commitment to a Safe and Healthy Work Environment

Benefits and Importance of K3
in FISIP Undip

Occupational Safety and Health in the academic environment not only protects workers but also students, lecturers, and guests who come to FISIP Undip. By implementing good K3 procedures, FISIP Undip strives to minimize work accidents, occupational diseases, and risks that can hinder the learning and teaching process.

Creating a safe environment for all academics.

Increase productivity and well-being.

Prevent work accidents and health problems.

Prevent work accidents and health problems.

K3 Program at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Diponegoro University?

We have various programs and initiatives that support the implementation of K3, including:

Safety and Emergency Response Training


All staff and students receive training on safety measures in case of emergencies, such as fire, natural disasters and evacuation.

Periodic K3 Inspection


The K3 team conducts regular inspections of faculty facilities to ensure that all equipment and infrastructure meet safety standards.

Incident Reporting System


There is a transparent work incident reporting mechanism to detect and prevent further potential harm.

K3 Awareness Campaign


The faculty routinely holds campaigns and outreach to increase awareness among the academic community regarding the importance of safety and health in the work environment.

Your health and safety are our priority. Together, let’s create a safe and healthy campus environment to achieve the best results.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or want to report anything related to K3, do not hesitate to contact the FISIP Undip K3 team via:




024 – 7465407

Office Address:

Jl. Dr. Antonius Suroyo, Diponegoro University, Tembalang Campus, Semarang City, Central Java, Indonesia. Postal Code 50275