Navigating challenges and limits to inclusive development in the Global South
The International Conference on Indonesian Social and Political Enquiries (ICISPE) is an annual event held by the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences at Universitas Diponegoro. This year’s ICISPE is held for the 9th time. As with the previous years, this international conference is built based on the spirit and passion of the development from multi-discipline and inclusive sciences, whilst promoting the advancement of research across the country. Thus, the conference not only gives a chance for the academics to assess phenomenon and contemporary problems by collaborating with various disciplines, but also delivers opportunities as widely as possible to every stakeholder who is willing to bridge academic and practical fields.
ICISPE also offers to facilitate open discussions and debates, transfer of knowledge, strategies for policy formulation, and networking amongst scholars and policymakers. Later, this multi-discipline and inclusive collaboration are further implemented through discussion forums, advanced research, and or joint-publication.
The theme of this year’s ICISPE conference is “Navigating challenges and limits to inclusive development in the Global South”. The post-covid world has shown some economic and political turmoil that posed a potential threat to reaching the 2030 goal. One of which is the rising of hybrid regimes at the cost of democratic growth in many developing countries. According to the latest V-Dem Report (Marina et al., 2024), more than 40 countries are in the state of autocratizing, with deteriorating freedom of expression in 35 countries that are mostly in the Global South. This could signify a great challenge in realizing the 2030 Agenda on inclusive and sustainable development.

– Organizers –

Other related topics to be discussed in the 9th ICISPE include, but not limited to:
- Public service innovation and transformation
- Public policy and governance
- Government and election
- Politics, democracy, and institution
- Public communication and the media
- Strategic and government communication
- Green and inclusive business development
Conference fee:
Paper submission | Presentations only | Participants only | |||
2.200.000* | 150* | 400.000* | 25* | 300.000 | 20 |
2.500.000 | 170 | 500.000 | 35 |
*Early Bird
Review Process
We apply blind review publication process, involving at least 2 reviewers. The first reviewer will be focused on general aspect and the relevance to the theme. Second reviewer will assess the substance of the article and writing quality
ICISPE Proceedings
- Proceedings ICISPE 2019
- Proceedings ICISPE 2020
- Proceedings ICISPE 2021
- Proceedings ICISPE 2022 (published internally)
- Proceedings ICISPE 2023 (in progress)

– 9th ICISPE Speaker –
Keynote Speaker
Ruth Hanau Santini is an Associate Professor of Politics and International Relations at the University of Naples L’Orientale, within the Faculty of Social Sciences. Her research primarily focuses on Italian and European foreign policy, as well as the politics and security of the Middle East and North Africa. Recently, she served as a conflict advisor at the World Food Programme. She has published extensively in her field and is currently researching topics related to food security, the politics of the Central Sahel, and the evolution of humanitarian principles following the war in Ukraine. Her latest book, co-edited with Abel Polese and Rob Kevlihan, is titled “Limited statehood and informal governance in the Middle East and North Africa”. There she discusses the power interplay between state and non-state actors and how it became the norm in many countries in the Global South.
Prof. Christian Otchia is an Associate Professor of Economics at Nagoya University. His research interests lie in the areas of political economy and economic development, among others. He is an expert of statistics and computable general equilibrium (CGE) models. His contribution on CGE models was recognized with the 2016 Lawrence R. Klein Award from the Pan Pacific Association of Input-Output Studies. Currently, he is focusing on using field experiments to analyze how socioemotional skills affect the labor market in terms of jobs, entrepreneurship, and earnings in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Nor Suzylah Sohaimi is a senior lecturer at the Department of Planning and Property Development, Graduate School of Government, Universiti Utara Malaysia. Nor does research in housing affordability for the young generation. Currently she serves as the Director of Research Institute for Indonesia, Thailand, and Singapore. Her research area focuses on the issues of affordable housing, built environment, and urban studies.
Budi Setiyono is Professor of Politics and Government Science at Universitas Diponegoro. He received his doctorate from Curtin University, and master from Flinders University, Australia. He has notable expertise in social policy studies, as well as business and government relations. His latest publications in 2024 are titled “Toward Obsolete Housing: A Complementary Explanation of Increasing Coastal Vulnerability” and “#tundapemilu2024: Indonesia Twitter Social Activism Movement”.
– Comittee –
1. Steering Committee
- Teguh Yuwono (Diponegoro University)
- S. Rouli Manalu (Diponegoro University)
- Amida Yusriana (University of Amsterdam)
2. Conference Chair
- Bangkit A. Wiryawan (Diponegoro University)
3. Conference Vice-Chair
- Satria Aji Imawan (Diponegoro University)
4. Head of Publication Division
- Muhammad Faiq Adi Pratomo (Diponegoro University)
5. Publication Editors
- Bangkit A. Wiryawan (Diponegoro University)
- Muhammad Faiq Adi Pratomo (Diponegoro University)
- Muhammad Yusuf (King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals)
- Suyatno Ladiqi (Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin)

it’s time to join
ICISPE24 Extended abstract submission
– Deadline Countdown –
– Full Paper Submission –
This is the link for your full paper submission in the 2024 International Conference of Indonesian Social and Political Enquiries scheduled to be held in 4 and 5 November. The full paper should be between 2500 and 4000 words. Kindly fill in the questions below and confirm your submission and registration payment (sent by email) by 30 October, 2024 at the latest.
Get in touch

Feel free to contact us for any inquiries or assistance. We’re here to help!
Jl. dr. Antonius Suroyo, Universitas Diponegoro, Tembalang Campus, Semarang City, Central Java, Indonesia. Postal Code 50275