by En_Admin | Nov 6, 2020 | Graduation, News
Semarang, FISIP Undip – The 160th Undip’s Graduation, Batch 5 will be carried out on Friday (06/11). The graduation ceremony will be held online with 168 graduates from Doctoral, Master, Bachelor, and the 3-year Diploma programs. In detail, the graduates...
by FISIP | Mar 4, 2020 | Graduation, News, Undip
Semarang – Diponegoro University has once again held an inauguration ceremony of the Professor at Prof. Soedharto Building, SH Undip Tembalang campus on Wednesday (4/2). There were 4 new professors inaugurated, namely Prof. Dr. dra. Ari Pradhanawati, MS from the...
by FISIP | Feb 15, 2020 | Graduation, News, Undip
According to the regulation in Article 23 PP 52 the year 2015 about the Undip Statuta, Undip will hold an Academic Ceremony for the Honoris Causa Doctoral Degree to the Parliament Chairperson of the Republic of Indonesia, Mrs. Puan Maharani. She is the 13th person who...
by FISIP | Dec 16, 2019 | Graduation, News, Undip
Semarang, located in Prof. Soedharto Building, Diponegoro University, Saturday (12/14), Diponegoro University held an inauguration ceremony of 3 professors namely Prof. Budi Setiyono, S. Sos., M / Pol. Admin., Ph.D (Professor in Government Science, FISIP UNDIP), Prof....
by FISIP | Nov 2, 2019 | Graduation, News, Undip
DIPLOMA UNDERGRADUATE & GRADUATE source : Undip TV Official Channel