The Online 163rd Graduation Of August 2021

The Online 163rd Graduation Of August 2021

We’d like to inform you that the 163rd Graduation Ceremony of Universitas Diponegoro will be held Online for 2 (two) days in 4 (four) stages, that is from August 25 – 26, 2021. The number of graduates who join the 163rd graduation period is as much as...
The Online 162 Graduation Ceremony Of May 2021

The Online 162 Graduation Ceremony Of May 2021

We’d like to announce that the 162nd Graduation Ceremony of Universitas Diponegoro will be held Online for 2 (two) days in 3 (three) stages, namely 19th – 20th, May 2021. The number of graduates who will be graduated in this period is 1,536 students, with...
The 160th Undip’s Graduation, Batch 5

The 160th Undip’s Graduation, Batch 5

 Semarang, FISIP Undip – The 160th Undip’s Graduation, Batch 5 will be carried out on Friday (06/11). The graduation ceremony will be held online with 168 graduates from Doctoral, Master, Bachelor, and the 3-year Diploma programs. In detail, the graduates...