Community Service Division of BEM FISIP Undip to Organize Bloodies: A Concrete Manifestation of the Three Pillars of Higher Education

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May 20, 2024

Semarang (16/05) – The demand for fresh blood through the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) continues to rise. Responding to this condition, the Community Service Division of the Student Executive Board (BEM) of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) at Universitas Diponegoro (Undip) organized a blood donation program named Bloodies, with the theme “Sharing Life, Sharing Hope.” This program was conducted as an implementation of one of the Three Pillars of Higher Education, namely community service.

The program, held at the FISIP Undip Auditorium, was also in collaboration with the Student Activity Unit (UKM) of the Volunteer Corps (KSR) of Undip and the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) of Semarang City.

The event began with speeches from the event chairman, the President of BEM FISIP Undip, and Ika Riswanti Putranti, AMd.AK., S.H., M.H., Ph.D., Vice Dean of Resources at FISIP Undip. This was followed by the blood donation activity and concluded with a closing remark by the master of ceremony (MC).

In her opening remarks, Uswatun Khasanah Billillah, the Chairman of the Bloodies event, stated that this activity was not just a routine but a form of care and solidarity for those in need. She also hoped that this blood donation activity would increase the student’s awareness of the people around them.

Muhammad Razan Alif Siregar, the President of BEM FISIP Undip for 2024, also appreciated the donors who were willing to donate their blood. He stated that although blood donation was not a complex or difficult activity, it was very meaningful and its impact could be felt by everyone in need.

Furthermore, Ika Riswanti Putranti, AMd.AK., S.H., M.H., Ph.D., Vice Dean of Resources at FISIP Undip, in her speech while officially opening the Bloodies event, appreciated the Community Service Division of BEM FISIP Undip for organizing the Bloodies event and the donors who were determined to donate their blood.

Moreover, Ika expressed her hope that in the future, the Community Service Division of BEM FISIP Undip could create a blood type database of the academic community members of FISIP Undip, making it easier if any academic community member of FISIP needed a blood donor in the future.

During the blood donation session, the enthusiasm of the students increased to participate by donating their blood. One of the donors, Wening Noorati from International Relations 2023, expressed her joy in being able to share with others.

“It feels really great, my body feels light, and I am happy to be able to share with others,” said Wening when interviewed on Thursday (16/05).

By the end of the session, 35 bags of blood were collected from donors from FISIP Undip as well as students from other faculties besides FISIP.

The Bloodies event was concluded with a closing remark by the MC. At the closing of the event, the MC, representing the organizing committee, also thanked all parties who participated in the success of the 2024 Bloodies event.

Writer: Davino Krisna Hernawan/International Relations 2023