Uncovering Motivation to Seize the Dreams: Schools Visit to FISIP Undip

Posted by Admin

May 14, 2024

Semarang (8/5) – The dates from May 6 to May 8, 2024, marked a historic moment for the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) at Universitas Diponegoro (Undip), as three high schools from various parts of the country visited this esteemed campus. SMA IT Ulil Albab Batam, SMA Dua Mei South Tangerang, and SMA IT Assalaam Pekalongan were enthusiastic guests who came to the FISIP Undip campus.

Representatives of teachers from each school also expressed their gratitude for the warm welcome from FISIP. They conveyed that the purpose of this visit was to inspire and equip students with motivation to pursue higher education at FISIP Undip. They also emphasized the importance of understanding the campus environment to avoid any potential culture shock.

Expert Staff to the Vice Dean, Agus Naryoso, S.Sos., M.Si., welcomed the students and teachers warmly. ” We are very welcome, if you want to learn anything if you want to know anything, we are very open.,” said Mas Gusnar, the nickname of Agus Naryoso. The students were given clear and engaging information about the advantages of each study program by the lecturers.

This visit had its own uniqueness, as Mbak Umi, one of FISIP’s staff, sang a song to entertain, creating a more friendly and memorable atmosphere for the students.

Moreover, as part of the visit, the students were also taken on a tour of the campus environment to see firsthand the facilities available at Undip that would support their learning process. This provided a real glimpse into the campus experience they would face if they chose FISIP Undip as the place to pursue their academic goals.

This visit was not just a formal meeting, but more than that, it became a moment of sharing experiences, inspiration, and hope for a brighter future. Hopefully, this visit will not only be an occasional event but also a starting point for the realization of the great dreams of the nation’s future generations.