Stepping into a Bright Future: The Visit of SMA Hutama Bekasi and MAN 3 Jakarta to FISIP UNDIP as the Beginning of a Journey

Posted by Admin

April 25, 2024

Education is an important foundation in forming a smart and responsible generation. In order to broaden their horizons and explore various academic potentials, students of SMA Hutama Bekasi and MAN 3 Jakarta have visited the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) Diponegoro University (UNDIP) in Semarang City, Central Java on April 23-24, 2024. This visit was a valuable moment for students to understand more about campus life and the educational opportunities available at universities.

The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) UNDIP is one of the leading faculties at Diponegoro University that has a strong reputation in the field of social and political science. With a variety of study programs on offer, including Communication Science, Government Science, Public Administration, Business Administration, and International Relations, FISIP UNDIP is an attractive destination for students interested in social and political studies.

The activity began with a warm welcome from the Head of the FISIP UNDIP Achievement Unit, Agus Naryoso, S.Sos., M.S as a representative of the Dean of FISIP UNDIP who expressed his gratitude for the arrival of students and teachers from the two schools. In his remarks, he provided information about the advantages of study programs and career opportunities that can be achieved by FISIP UNDIP students.

The representative lecturers from each study program at FISIP UNDIP who attended the visit of SMA Hutama Bekasi, and MAN 3 Jakarta were S1 Public Administration, Dra. Maesaroh, M.Si, S1 Government Science, Bangkit Aditya Wiryawan, S.Sos., M.A., Ph. D., S1 Communication Science, Primada Qurrota Ayun M.A.S.I.Kom, S1 Business Administration, Sendhang Nurseto, S.Sos, M.AB. S1 International Relations, Maula Hudaya, S.Hub.Int., M.A, and Moderator Dinalestari Purbawati, S.E., M.Si.

The visit was more than just a tour, it was designed to give the students an immersive experience. They had the opportunity to interact directly with lecturers, as well as take part in several activities specifically designed for them. The event included discussion sessions about the study programs offered, public lectures on interesting topics in Social and Political Sciences, as well as a tour of campus facilities.

One of the most anticipated moments was the question and answer session between students of SMA Hutama Bekasi, MAN 3 Jakarta. In an atmosphere full of enthusiasm and enthusiasm, students can ask various questions about campus life, learning experiences, and career opportunities after graduation. Warm and informative responses from FISIP UNDIP students provide a clear and motivating picture for students to pursue their dreams in the world of higher education.

In addition, this visit also provided an opportunity for the students to explore the beauty of the UNDIP campus. With modern facilities and a comfortable environment, this campus is an ideal place to pursue knowledge and develop yourself. The students were invited to visit the Multimedia Laboratory, as well as various other facilities and infrastructure that support the learning process and academic development.

The visit also reflects the importance of cooperation between educational institutions in improving the quality of education in Indonesia. By sharing experiences and knowledge, students from different schools can inspire and encourage each other to achieve their best. Hopefully, this visit will not only be a memorable experience for the students, but also the first step that inspires them to achieve their academic dreams in the future by joining FISIP UNDIP students.