Supporting the Digital Era, FISIP Undip Prepares E-Content Expert Human Resources

Posted by Admin

March 21, 2024

Semarang, (21/03) – The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) Universitas Diponegoro (Undip) successfully held a Technical Guidance program on E-Content and Website Development, which aims to equip students with essential skills in facing the ever-evolving digital era.

The technical guidance program, held on Wednesday (21/03), is an initiative of FISIP Undip in responding to the demands of the times for higher education institutions to increasingly move towards digitalization. By presenting leading lecturers, this program provides an opportunity for students to gain an in-depth understanding of various aspects of creating quality e-content and effective website management.

The program that was attended by the academic community of FISIP Undip was intended to improve their skill in producing and writing good content for website and social media publications. Through this training, students gain in-depth insights and practical skills that they can apply in their future careers.

Dr. Drs. Teguh Yuwono, M.Pol.Admin, Dean of FISIP UNDIP said, “In this digitalization era, we must be wiser in stating and determining the situation and realizing the importance of fighting culture, the importance of promotion, the importance of media, and IT technology.”

This was further explained by the Vice Dean of FISIP UNDIP, Ika Riswanti Putranti, A.Md.A.K, S.H, M.H, Ph.D that all digital facilities provided are intended to support the activities of the FISIP UNDIP academic community.

The Head of the Website, Social Media, and Public Relations Unit of FISIP UNDIP, Muhammad Arief Zuliyan, LL.M. talked about policies in FISIP related to digital content management in this session. Arief also emphasized that the policies and facilities provided are expected to avoid misinformation, disinformation, and hoaxes.

This activity also presented an expert and lecturer of the Department of Communication Science, Agus Naryoso, M.Si. In his session, the lecturer who is familiarly called Mas Gusnar explained the technique of writing good and proper news releases that are interesting to read.

The activity then continued with a workshop session managed by Maula Hudaya, M.A, Wildan Namora M.Sc. and Siswanto, S.Kom on the technical use of the E-Konten website. Through this activity, the entire academic community is also encouraged to contribute to increasing the digital presence of FISIP UNDIP in digital media through the E-Konten website.

The academic community of FISIP UNDIP can send their content through the link below:

Kontributor: Dewa Dika