SMA Al Azhar Bumi Serpong Damai and SMA Al Azhar 19 Jakarta To Visit FISIP Undip

Posted by Admin

October 25, 2023

Semarang (10/25) – Today, the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) at Universitas Diponegoro (Undip) welcomed a special visit from two prestigious high schools, namely SMA Islam Al Azhar Bumi Serpong Damai and SMA Islam Al Azhar 19 Jakarta. The purpose of this activity is to provide the latest information about higher education, particularly at Undip and FISIP, to the students from both schools.

This visit marks a significant step in broadening the horizons of high school students regarding their future choices in higher education. In an atmosphere filled with enthusiasm, the students were given the opportunity to explore the campus facilities and gain profound insights into the various study programs offered by FISIP Undip.

The event was attended by representatives of faculty members from various undergraduate programs at FISIP Undip. They delivered presentations on the curriculum, career opportunities, and the advantages of the study programs available at FISIP. Additionally, the assistant of the Vice Dean I, Agus Naryoso, S.Sos., M.Si., was present to provide information about the new student admission process, scholarships, and campus life that combined academic and extracurricular activities. This was done to provide a comprehensive overview of the student experience at Undip. Moreover, the attending students appeared highly enthusiastic and actively engaged in asking questions about various aspects of university life.

It is hoped that this visit will assist the students of SMA Al Azhar Bumi Serpong Damai and SMA Al Azhar 19 Jakarta in making informed decisions about their higher education. In the future, Undip and FISIP are committed to continually welcoming high school students who wish to explore and become familiar with the world of higher education.