Submissions of Research and Community Service Documents to SIP3MU

Posted by En_Admin

December 30, 2022

It is notified to Researchers / Community Service Implementers who receive non-State Budget Grants at Universitas Diponegoro, that based on the Letter of Activity Assignment (SPK) for Research and/or Community Service in 2022 article 7 paragraph (1) states: The SECOND PARTY is obliged to upload to the SIP3MU LPPM Universitas Diponegoro page the letter of Activity Assignment (SPK), implementation proposal, research/community service result notebook, research/community service progress report, research/community service final report, research/community service output, poster for the last year and submit a report on the use of research/community service funds for the first stage of 70% and the second stage of 30% bound into 1 (one) and made in duplicate, the original document is submitted to the FIRST PARTY and the archive copy is given to the SECOND PARTY.

In this regard, research leaders/community service implementers are required to upload the following documents:

  • Uploading Research / Community Service Progress and Final Reports on the SIP3MU application;
  • Uploading Research and/or Community Service Daily Reports on the SIP3MU application;
  • Uploading research/community service outputs on the SIP3MU application;
  • Uploading posters in the SIP3MU application for the last year;
  • Submitting a report on the use of research/community service funds of the first stage of 70%, preferably in draft form, to LPPM Undip.

The submission to the SIP3MU application is no later than January 4, 2023, at 23:59 GMT+7. The completion of the document is one of the references for determining the continuation of the proposal in 2023. Thank you for your attention and good cooperation.

Attachment: Circular for Uploading Documents to SIP3MU

