Vice-Chairman of the Subang District Court at FISIP UNDIP Political and Governance Studies Department’s Guest Lecturer

Posted by En_Admin

May 17, 2022

Dr. Abdul Aziz, S.H., M.Hum (Vice-Chairman of the Subang District Court, West Java Province) was a speaker at the Guest Lecturer of Political and Governance Studies, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro. The class was moderated by Drs. Yuwanto, M.Si, Ph.D (A lecturer at the Undip Department of Political and Governance Studies), (16/5). The theme raised by this Guest Lecturer was “How the Judicial Power Branch Works as Part of the National Government”.

In the material presented by Dr. Abdul Aziz, S.H., M.Hum regarding “The Operation of the Judicial Power Branch as Part of the National Government”, it was explained that the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia was enacted on August 18, 1945, and re-enacted by a Presidential Decree on July 5, 1959, and confirmed by acclamation on July 22, 1959, by the House of Representatives (as stated in the State Gazette Number 75 of 1959).

State institutions that hold power according to the law, the House of Representatives (DPR), the President, the Supreme Court, and the Constitutional Court. Article 20 (1) DPR held the power to make laws, Article 4 (1) the President held government power, the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court in article 24 (1) judicial power was an independent power to administer justice to uphold law and justice. Meanwhile, the People’s Consultative Assembly’s authority included selecting the President and Vice President from two pairs of candidates for President and Vice President proposed by a political party or coalition of political parties whose pairs of candidates for President and Vice President won the first and second most votes in the previous general election until the end of their term of office, if the president died, stop serving, was dismissed, or was unable to carry out his obligations during his tenure at the same time (article 8 paragraph (3)).

“The powers, obligations, and rights of the president or vice president include holding governmental power according to the constitution, having the right to submit bills to the DPR, stipulating government regulations, upholding the constitution and carrying out all laws and regulations in a straight line and being devoted to the Homeland and the Nation, holding the highest power over the army, navy and air force, declaring war, making peace and agreements with other countries with the approval of the DPR, making other international agreements with the approval of the DPR, declaring a state of danger, appointing ambassadors and consuls. In appointing ambassadors, the President takes into account the considerations of the DPR. Accepting the placement of ambassadors from other countries by taking into account the DPR’s considerations, granting pardons and rehabilitation by taking into account the considerations of the Supreme Court, granting amnesties and abolitions by taking into account the DPR’s considerations, granting titles, honours, and other honours as regulated by law, forming a board of consideration that is responsible for providing advice and considerations to the President,” he explained. (Lin-PR)

