Things to Prepare for the UNDIP 2022 UTBK-SBMPTN Participants

Posted by Admin

May 17, 2022

The 2022 UTBK (Computer-Based Written Examination)-SBMPTN test will start tomorrow, Tuesday (17/5/2022). The UTBK Central Committee at Universitas Diponegoro has prepared facilities and infrastructure to support the implementation of the 2022 UTBK-SBMPTN.

Vice-Rector I for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Faisal, S.E., M.Sc., PhD suggested prospective participants of the 2022 UTBK-SBMPTN test prepare themselves before going to the Undip campus:

  1. Already having your breakfast or lunch
  2. Bring complete documents such as the 2022 UTBK-SBMPTN Participant Card, 12th Grade Certificate for the 2022 intake, Degree Certificate/legalized Degree Certificate for the 2020 and 2021 graduates, and other identity cards such as the ID Card or Driving Licence
  3. Wearing a mask, and gloves (recommended), face shield (recommended), hand sanitiser
  4. Wearing clean, neat clothes (shirts or collared shirts), be polite and wear shoes

UTBK test participants are also required to pay attention to the schedule for the implementation of the UTBK test and the location of the UTBK test at Undip. The schedule for the 2022 UTBK implementation can be accessed at the link Meanwhile, the UTBK test locations at Universitas Diponegoro will be carried out in 2 locations, the Undip Tembalang campus and the Undip Pleburan campus. There are 75 rooms for the UTBK test and the location can be seen via the link

Prof. Faisal added, “Currently, Undip has more than 2200 PCs that can be used for the UTBK test”. When the UTBK (Computer-Based Written Examination) was first carried out, Undip was among the largest providers of computers for the implementation of the UTBK. All facilities are owned by Undip (not in collaboration with other institutions). Besides, the rooms used for the UTBK at the Undip campus in Tembalang and Pleburan are facilitated with air conditioners, making them comfortable and quiet.

In addition to the SNMPTN and SBMPTN pathways, Universitas Diponegoro has opened a new student admission pathway, the Independent Examination Selection (IUP, SBUB and UM). More complete information can be accessed via the link (Ut-PR)


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