A Guest Lecturer, The Importance of Research in Strategic Communication Management

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October 18, 2021

Lecture Poster for Strategic Communication Research Guest Lecturer for Industry (Source: personal document)

Semarang – On Tuesday (5/10), another guest lecturer lecture was held with the theme “Strategic Communication Research for Industry” through the Zoom Meeting platform. This theme was raised with the hope of providing knowledge for Undip Communication Sciences students in techniques for collecting information and presenting information to companies, as well as providing new perspectives for students in working on their final project.

This time the guest lecturer invited Dr. Ummi Salamah, S.Psi., Psychologist, M.Sc., a lecturer from FISIP, University of Indonesia. Dr. Ummi is a permanent lecturer in Public Relations, Communication Strategy, Research, and Applied Communication in Public Relations. The guest lecture was moderated by Dr. Yanuar Luqman as a lecturer in Undip Communication Sciences and attended by several lecturers and students, especially students of the Strategic Communication Concentration in the Public Relations Management course.

The event began with a speech by the Head of the Undip Communication Studies Study Program, S. Rouli Manalu or who is familiarly called Mbak Uli. In her speech, Mbak Uli said that anyone who could impart knowledge, especially in the field of Communication Science, would be invited.

“Mbak Ummi has a lot of experience in communication, especially regarding the communication business in the industry. The proposed theme was determined as a form of anxiety as the secretary of the study program saw the title of the thesis to the thesis whose direction was not varied, possibly based on the lack of student perspective,” said Mbak Uli.

Furthermore, the lecture activities began with a presentation from Dr. Ummi. She explained that strategic communication has a complex nature, integrated approach, and represents the strategic interests of the organization that can only be managed by people who understand public relations management.

In its management, strategic communication research is needed for solving complex problems, setting and measuring goals, monitoring public opinion, knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs, as well as implementing strategies and tactics.

“In every stage of public relations, there is always an effort to measure research. There is an inseparable function of a public relations officer, namely the scientific responsible person who helps formulate practical strategies for long-term results,” explained Dr. Ummi.

Furthermore, she advised that strategic communication students, especially public relations, are important to always be based on existing data. In strategic communication, there are three types of research, including formative research, program research, and evaluative research. In addition, strategic communication researchers deal with three types of data, namely first-party data, second-party data, and third-party data.

She also concluded that research for strategic communication covers all aspects of strategic planning which includes problem identification, problem effects or implications, strategic direction, strategy testing, implementation tracking, and results from evaluation. The lecture ended with a closing statement by Dr. Ummi for students who attended the lecture.

“Always develop the latest research to see other indicators, read, study literature, operate, and collect definitions. Please open your mind, read books, read journals, and always read, master what you write, and write what you are good at,” she concluded.

Reporter : Kartika Conny

Author : Febronia Jessica Inez Indriani

Editor : Annisa Qonita Andini