The First Session Of The First Day Of The UNDIP Online UM Test For Undergraduate Run Smoothly

Posted by En_Admin

News | PMB

June 22, 2021

Semarang-Today, Monday, June 21, 2021, Universitas Diponegoro (Undip) had conducted an online Independent Selection (UM) test for Undergraduate Program. On the first day, the online test went smoothly. Participants worked on the questions online at the place of origin of each participant with strict supervision from the Education Quality Assurance and Development Institute (LP2MP) of Universitas Diponegoro.

Participants worked on the questions using the CAT (Computer Assisted Test) application which was designed directly by the IT team of Universitas Diponegoro. It was an achievement for Undip because it could independently conduct the CAT-based online test nationally. In addition, participants should not be worry if there would be technical problems during the test, because the IT team had been prepared to overcome these technical problems. So that, participants would not lose their rights in working on the questions.

As it was previously known, the Undip Independent Selection (UM) online test for the Undergraduate program would be held for 10 days from June 21 to July 02, 2021. Every day there would be 3 sessions using 2 kinds of testing models, namely using the academic report and portfolios selection, and a computer-based written test which was carried out from each other’s house. “There are 2 types of online test. First, they make a portfolio, and second they are required to take the online written test. So, participants are not required to come to Semarang, they are in their respective places”, explained Dr. Ir. Setia Budi Sasongko, DEA as the Head of LP2MP Undip in an interview on Monday (21/06/2021).

The atmosphere of the Online Supervisor in the LP2MP Control Room

The online test held by Universitas Diponegoro also helped the Government’s program in tackling the Covid19 pandemic. “Incidentally, we are currently in a state of Covid19 pandemic, we are carrying out the online test, so we continue to carry out the health protocol as well. We prevent any gathering in one place, there is no face-to-face meeting and mobilization from city to city,” said Dr. Ir. Setia Budi Sasongko, DEA.

Furthermore, Dr. Ir. Setia Budi Sasongko, DEA added that Undip would always focus on the next 10 days of testing. “We hope that it will run smoothly in the next 10 days, and hopefully this is still in the testing process, hopefully everything will go smoothly,” he said.

The estimated quota that would be received through the UM pathways was 50% of all for the Undergraduate level. The SNMPTN line was 20%, and the SBMPTN line was 30%. (Dhany-Humas)

