UNDIP Opens Up Independent Test Path

Posted by En_Admin

News | PMB

June 16, 2021

SEMARANG- The announcement of passing the 2021 SBMPTN was just announced on Monday (14/6/2021) at 15.00 WIB. Undip would like to congratulate those who had passed it. However, for those who had not passed it, there was still an opportunity through the Independent Test (UM) path.

Today, Tuesday (15/6/2021) a 2021 Independent Test (UM) trial would be held which would be closed for registration on June 17, 2021. The number of participants registered until June 15, 2021, had reached around 17 thousand participants.

“There are technical differences in the implementation of the Undip Independent Test (UM) in 2020 with the Undip UM in 2021. The Undip UM in 2020 used the selection of the academic report and portfolios, while in 2021 participants are required to take a computer-based written test that is done from their respective homes”, explained Dr. Ir. Setia Budi Sasongko, DEA as the Head of LP2MP Undip in an interview on Tuesday (15/6/2021).

Furthermore, he explained, “Even though it is done from their respective homes, they are still under control by the exam supervisor. Examinees are required to use the Zoom application and turn on the camera while taking the exam. This effort is made to optimize honesty in the selection of prospective student participants”.

While the Head of the Center for Educational Admission and Promotion, Dr. Bambang Cahyono, MS., added, “There are two materials tested in the Undip Independent Test (UM) in 2021; Academic Potential Test (TPA) and Scholastic Potential Test (TPS). TPS is aimed to measure the ability of prospective students generally which consists of five aspects, namely citizenship, numeric, logic, Indonesian, and English. While TPA is aimed for measuring more specific things. TPA for SAINTEK consists of Chemistry, Physics, Biology, and Mathematics subjects and TPA for SOSHUM consists of History, Geography, Sociology, and Economics subjects.

The estimated quota that would be received through the UM path was 50% of all for the Undergraduate level. The SNMPTN path was 20%, and the SBMPTN path was 30%. (Indra Ed. Utami – Public Relations).

Source: undip.ac.id