Favorite Department of the 2021 SNMPTN at Universitas Diponegoro

Posted by En_Admin

March 24, 2021

Universitas Diponegoro has always been one of the most wanted higher education institutions for the new student candidates of the 2021 SNMPTN.

The Vice Rector for the Student Affairs Academic, Prof. Budi Setiyono, expressed that, “This year, Undip has received 26.408 applicants of the new student candidates and 2.106 or with the ration 1 : 12,5 of those applicants had been accepted. The data was obtained from the LTMPT regarding the 2021 SNMPTN interest.

The huge number of those applicants showed that Undip is one of the best higher education institutions in Indonesia. It not only has a magnificent campus with adequate facilities, but also the quality lecturers. Besides, Undip has the International networking partners and is included in the great tenth national higher education intitutions which received the most number of the prospective students. “At this time, Undip continues to take strategic development steps which aim to encourage and achieve its vision of becoming a superior research University, as well as becoming a world-class university with a strong reputation in the international stage” said Prof. Budi.

Some of those strategic programs are increasing the number of professor and doctor, modernizing the laboratory facilities, investing the promotion of Undip – goes – to – abroad program, providing the scholarships for the foreign and domestic students, intensifying the online learning mode, as well as improving the student mobility program, either inbound or outbound abroad.

The sequence of the favorite study programs for the 2021 applicants is Psychology (Faculty of Psychology), Medical (FK), Communication Science (FISIP), Law (Faculty of Law), Public Health (FKM)Management (FEB), Nursing (FK)Informatics (FSM), Business Administration (FISIP)

According to Dr. Ir. Setia Budi Sasongko, DEA as the Head of the LP2MP Undip in the interview on Monday (22/3) “Psychology becomes the favorite choice with the total number of applicants around 1.750. The change of the favorite study program is caused by the society’s consideration that Psychology is important, either in getting or creating the occupation. Indeed, this year Undip’s SNMPTN applicants have mostly chosen the Psychology Program followed by the Medical Program which still become the favorite one in the second place. Previously, the interest on the Medical Program was higher than other Undip’s program for the past few years. Yet, Undip only had a relatively small capacity. So that, the society had to choose another programs as the alternatives.”

“Undip which has became the PTN BH will always be ready to welcome the best new student candidates. Meanwhile, for the capacity of the presentation at Undip, SNMPTN was 20%, SBMPTN was 30% and the independent selection (UM) was 50%, ” he explained.

If  those applicants failed on the SNMPTN selection, they still have another chance through the SBMPTN, IUP (International Undergraduate Program), and the Ujian Mandiri selection. So, they should keep the spirit, and follow the selection systems to enter the state higher education isntitutions and always take care of your health.” he said.

For further information regarding the re-registration of the New Student Candidates of the Undip SNMPTN, please check on https://pmb.undip.ac.id/registasi-ulang-calon-mahasiswa-baru-jalur-snmptn-2021/(Linda-Humas)

Source : undip.ac.id