High School Counseling Guidance Teachers in Brebes and Tegal Regencies Joins SNMPTN and SBMPTN 2020 Socialization

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December 11, 2019

As many as 30 High School (SMA) and Vocational High School Counseling Guidance Teachers throughout the Brebes Regency, Monday morning (12/09/2019) gathered in the hall of SMAN 1 Brebes to take part in the socialization activities of the selection system for State University Academic Year 2020/2021. In the socialization activities held by the Diponegoro University LP2MP, there are numbers of new policies from the Institute for Higher Education Entrance Test (LTMPT) for admission of new students in the academic year 2020/2021 that need to be known by schools and 12th grade students.

“This new policy includes the implementation of the Single Sign On system or only need one LTMPT account for each student to register SNMPTN or SBMPTN”, explained Widayanto, S.Sos., M.Si from LP2MP of Diponegoro University. “The student rating system is now being carried out by the school which knows better the abilities of its students. Schools can also add other criteria such as student achievement, for example following the KIR (Youth Scientific Group) “, he continued.

If previously the rating system was closed, then in 2020 it would be open so parents could find out the ranking of their children so that they could find out whether their children were eligible or not to take part in the selection through the SNMPTN which the quota was limited according to school accreditation.

There is also a new policy on group examinations on the UTBK (Computer Based Written Examination). If in the previous year there were only 2 Saintek and Soshum groups, then in 2020, the examination group at UTBK will be divided into 3 Saintek, Soshum and Mixed groups. Tests for 2019 will be held in 40 sessions and will be held every Saturday-Sunday, then in 2020 UTBK will be held for 7 consecutive days and every day there will be 2 sessions. Students can only take UTBK once in one session.

In this socialization activity, the socialization team from Diponegoro University also conveyed information about other paths to Diponegoro University. In addition to going through the SNMPTN and SBMPTN pathways, prospective students can also take part in the selection through the Independent Examination (UM) which is carried out after the SBMPTN announcement. Schools are also encouraged to register their students who have a national or provincial achievements certificate to participate in the Undip entrance selection through the SBUB (Outstanding Excellence Seed Selection) which is currently open until March 1, 2020.

It is hoped that by holding this socialization activity, the school can better prepare students to register for SNMPTN, attend UTBK and register for the 2020 SBMPTN. Likewise, the prospective students can prepare themselves better and pay attention to important schedules SNMPTN registration process, UTBK implementation and SBMPTN.


Source : https://www.undip.ac.id