New Meeting Rooms at FISIP Undip: A Concrete Step Toward Timely and High-Quality Graduates

Posted by Admin

October 3, 2024

Semarang (03/10) – In its effort to enhance the quality of education and encourage the timely graduation of high-quality, competitive graduates in the job market, the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) at Universitas Diponegoro (Undip) continues to innovate in providing academic support facilities. One of these efforts includes the addition of new meeting rooms, designed to serve as spaces for small meetings, student final defense, and other academic activities that support the learning process.

On Thursday, October 3, 2024, FISIP Undip officially launched three new meeting rooms within the faculty’s premises. The event was attended by the Chair of the FISIP Academic Senate, Prof. Dr. Dra. Naili Farida, M.Si., Vice Dean of Academic and Student Affairs, S Rouli Manalu, S.Sos., M.Comm.St., Ph.D., Vice Dean of Resources, Ika Riswanti Putranti, S.H., M.H., Ph.D., along with department heads, study program coordinators, program secretaries, and administrative staff from FISIP Undip.

In his opening remarks, the Dean of FISIP Undip, Dr. Teguh Yuwono, M.Pol.Admin., explained the background behind the development of these new meeting rooms, citing the high demand from lecturers for such spaces. “These facilities are part of our efforts to support the top 400 global university program,” said Dr. Teguh, emphasizing the importance of academic infrastructure in achieving Undip’s goal of being ranked among the world’s leading universities.

Dr. Teguh further expressed his hopes that these new facilities would play a significant role in helping students graduate on time, achieve a satisfactory GPA, and secure employment within one year of graduation. The provision of these facilities is expected to strengthen the academic ecosystem at FISIP Undip, making its graduates more competitive in both national and international job markets.

The three newly inaugurated meeting rooms are named after significant milestones in Indonesia’s national history: the “Boedi Oetomo” Meeting Room, the “Kebangkitan Nasional” Meeting Room, and the “Sumpah Pemuda” Meeting Room. Each room has a capacity of 10 people and is intended to serve as a small meeting space. Dr. Teguh added, “We hope that these new facilities will further assist us in strengthening academic performance and improving our national and international rankings.”

With the launch of these facilities, FISIP Undip reaffirms its commitment to supporting high-quality learning processes and producing graduates ready to compete on a global scale.

Nur Inayah

Nur Inayah