Ekon Goes to Campus at FISIP Undip Discusses the Role of Youth in National Economic Transformation Towards Indonesia Gold 2045

Posted by Admin

September 25, 2024

Semarang, 25 September 2024 – Coordinating Ministry Field Economy Republic of Indonesia holds Ekon Goes to Campus event with theme “Important Role Young Generation Supports National Economic Transformation Towards Golden Indonesia 2045” at the PKM Hall of FISIP Diponegoro University (Undip). The event was attended by students and academics This aiming For motivating and empowering generation young to play a role active in realize transformation an inclusive and sustainable Indonesian economy .

The event is open with welcome from Mr. Haryo Limanseto, S.Sos.M.Si , Interpreter Talk as well as Head of Communication Bureau, Services Information, and Trials Coordinating Ministry Economy. In his speech, Haryo disclose his joy Can present at FISIP Undip and feel welcome outside normal from Dean of FISIP, Dr. Drs. Steadfast Yuwono, M.Pol.Admin. “We were welcomed with team full, Mr. Dean, not yet Once I come to campus with such a warm welcome lively,” say Harry.

During the event, participants get various exposure interesting, one of them from Mrs. Dr. Laila Kholid Alfirdaus, S.IP., M.PP., lecturer expert field politics at FISIP Undip. He highlight role important generation young as a driving force digital economy in support transformation towards Golden Indonesia 2045. Although own potential big, generation young Indonesian still face challenge Serious like height level unemployment, with 25.8% classified as NEET ( Not in Education, Employment, or Training ). Dr. Laila also underlined importance education, empowerment, and equal access​ to source Power as key success, with examples of programs such as GIRL Project, GreenSkills, and TechMuda that can implemented.

Mr. Sugeng Triwibowo from Coordinating Ministry Economy participate to expose growth Indonesia’s economy reached 5.05% in the second quarter of 2024, even though face global challenges. Growth This supported by controlled inflation, the sector industry strong processing, as well as improvement investment. He also highlighted role Project National Strategy (PSN) in jack up sector construction as well as policy effective fiscal and monetary​ lower poverty and unemployment. Dr. Muhammad Hadianto emphasize importance downstream industry, digital transformation and transition energy sustainable For guard Power competition Indonesian economy towards Vision of Golden Indonesia 2045.

The event was moderated by Mrs. Retna Hanani, S.Sos., MPP., lecturer Public Administration FISIP Undip, ended with session ask answer interactive between students and resource persons. Activities Ekon Goes to Campus This expected No only become event discussion, but also able to become runway implementation policies and projects strategic involving​ generation young as actor key. With principle sustainability and passion participation active students, transformation Indonesian economy towards vision 2045 can materialize, create inclusive and empowered growth​ competition tall .