Community Film Participation in Advocating Environmental Issues

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September 22, 2024

In an effort to raise awareness of environmental issues, the film community in Indonesia is increasingly demonstrating a significant role. Research conducted by Yanuar Luqman, Muhammad Bayu Widagdo, and Nurist Surayya Ulfa from the Department of Communication Science at Universitas Diponegoro highlights the film community’s role as a vital element of society actively engaged in environmental advocacy. This study suggests that the film community can serve as an essential bridge between the public, government, and stakeholders in addressing increasingly complex environmental problems.

Employing a qualitative descriptive methodology, this research explores the strategies used by the film community to convey environmental messages. Two communities, Bale Film and the Indonesia Nature Film Society (INFIS), were selected as subjects for this study. Both communities share a common concern for the importance of environmental preservation, although their approaches differ. Bale Film focuses primarily on human resource development within the film industry, while INFIS consistently advocates for environmental issues and wildlife conservation.

These communities leverage social media platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter to disseminate their works, which serve not only as entertainment but also as advocacy tools. Through film, these communities create dialogue spaces for the general public and stakeholders, including government entities, to discuss environmental issues.

In the context of environmental communication, documentaries produced by communities like INFIS are capable of highlighting environmental subjects from various perspectives, fostering public awareness, and encouraging tangible actions for nature conservation.

Luqman, Y., Widagdo, M. W., & Ulfa, N. S. (2022). PARTISIPASI ELEMEN MASYARAKAT FILM TERHADAP PERSOALAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUP. JRK (Jurnal Riset Komunikasi), 13(2), 165-179.

Dr. Yanuar Luqman, S.Sos., M.Si., is the Head of the Master’s Program in Communication Science at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP), Universitas Diponegoro (Undip). He completed his undergraduate studies at Universitas Diponegoro, obtained his Master’s degree from Universitas Indonesia, and earned his Doctorate from the Bogor Agricultural University.