The P2MW team from Diponegoro University (UNDIP) has successfully passed the selection process and is ready to represent UNDIP at the 2024 KMI Expo, which will be held at Halu Oleo University, Kendari

Posted by Admin

September 20, 2024

This KMI Expo serves as the culmination of the Student Entrepreneur Development Program (P2MW), which has been running from April to September 2024.

The team, led by Muhammad Nur Ardi Handayat from the Communication Science program, consists of Aisya Auliya Sudrajat (Communication Science), Dhita Syaqila Nurul Izhmi (Chemistry), and Arganto Rasendriya Darmanto (Food Technology).

These four students, all from the 2021 cohort, have proven themselves as one of the standout teams in this year’s P2MW, thanks to their innovative business idea through the platform is an online learning platform that offers website creation courses without the need for coding skills. This platform is designed to make it easy for anyone to create their own website, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) seeking to go digital. The platform’s uniqueness and practical value drew significant attention during the P2MW selection process.

Their academic advisor, Yohanes Thianika Budiarsa, expressed his appreciation to the team for their hard work in developing the platform.

“The team has demonstrated remarkable entrepreneurial spirit. They not only focused on the technical aspects but also worked hard to understand the market needs, especially SMEs that require practical digital solutions,” said Yohanes.

P2MW is a program aimed at developing the entrepreneurial potential of Indonesian students through mentoring, training, and business development.

Since it began in April 2024, the program has gone through several stages of selection and intensive development. After a long process, the team emerged as one of the teams selected to advance to the 2024 KMI Expo, which will take place in October 2024.

The KMI Expo is the pinnacle event for student entrepreneurs participating in P2MW. It provides a platform for participants to showcase their products and business ideas to investors, mentors, and other stakeholders. Additionally, participants will engage in various entrepreneurship workshops and seminars to further enhance their business skills.

With this achievement, the team not only brings pride to UNDIP on a national level but also opens up great opportunities to expand their business reach.

“We are very excited to participate in the KMI Expo in Kendari. This is a golden opportunity for us to introduce to a wider audience and gain insights from experts in the field of entrepreneurship,” said Muhammad Nur Ardi Handayat, the team leader.

The presence of the team at the 2024 KMI Expo is expected to inspire more students to venture into entrepreneurship and leverage digital technology as an innovative business solution.