Local Authorities Acquire Knowledge from Innovation Setbacks

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August 27, 2024

Local governments in Indonesia often face challenges in implementing sustainable innovations. The article “Analysis of Innovation Failures in Local Governments,” published in Politika: Jurnal Ilmu Politik Vol 14, No 1 (2023), highlights the importance of understanding the factors that lead to innovation failures. This research employs a qualitative approach and case studies to identify and comprehend the root causes behind these failures.

One example of innovation failure analyzed in the study is the digitalization of business licensing for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the City of Semarang. Key factors contributing to the failure of this innovation include the lack of relevance to community needs, bureaucratic and administrative hurdles, as well as budget cuts that hindered the operational and developmental processes of the innovation. Furthermore, the study also examines other failed innovations, such as the “Ladis Song Malam” program in the City of Tegal and the online complaint service application “Bekasi Iconic.” These cases demonstrate that innovations lacking sufficient political support, inadequate infrastructure, and issues in policy management and commitment tend to fail.

As a result, it is crucial for local governments to establish the necessary prerequisites for successful innovation, such as political support, adequate infrastructure, and sufficient resources. Innovation failures serve as valuable lessons within the context of governance, providing insights for the sustainability and improvement of future innovations. Identifying factors that cause innovation failures in government, such as the absence of policies, resource scarcity, and bureaucratic and administrative incompetence in responding to innovations, forms the foundation for avoiding similar mistakes in the future. Policy aspects, technological infrastructure, and incentives should also be given serious attention by stakeholders involved in local government innovations.

The research underscores the importance of a comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing the success and failure of innovations, as well as the need to ensure adequate support so that innovations can deliver maximum benefits to the community.

Manar, D. G., & Alfirdaus, L. K. (2023). *Analisis Kegagalan Inovasi Pemerintah Daerah.* Politika: Jurnal Ilmu Politik, 14(1), 18-30.

Author Information:
Dzunuwanus Ghulam Manar, S.IP., M.Si. is a lecturer in the Undergraduate Program in Government Studies, Department of Politics and Government. His research focuses on government innovation, public policy, and accountability.