FISIP Undip Highlights the Importance of Sexual Violence Prevention and Psychosocial Support for Victims

Posted by Admin

August 21, 2024

Semarang (20/08) – Ensuring a safe and healthy academic environment for the entire academic community is a primary concern for the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) at Universitas Diponegoro (Undip). One of the concrete steps taken in this direction is the organization of the “Socialization on the Prevention of Sexual Violence Issues and Mental Health on Campus” event, specifically aimed at FISIP Undip lecturers. The event took place on Tuesday, August 20, 2024, in the Diponegoro Muda Hall, 1st Floor, Building D, FISIP Undip Campus, Tembalang. The goal of the event was to raise awareness and prepare the lecturers to address and handle issues related to sexual violence and mental health that may arise within the campus environment.

In his opening remarks, the Dean of FISIP Undip, Dr. Drs. Teguh Yuwono, M.Pol.Admin., expressed his appreciation to the lecturers who have dedicated their time to volunteer for the FISIP Wellness Unit (FWU) and the Student Advisory Board (BKM). He conveyed a message from the Rector of Undip, emphasizing that FWU and BKM had a critical role in anticipating various issues or unwanted incidents by responding early. “The key to being part of FWU is one thing, really: the key is to have the patience to listen,” he remarked. The Dean also emphasized that the issue of sexual violence has the potential to occur across all departments and study programs at FISIP Undip, particularly in the form of verbal sexual violence, both directly and indirectly.

Following this, a discussion session on preventing sexual violence on campus, led by Nur Hasyim, M.A., Secretary of the Advisory Board of the Indonesian Family Planning Association (PKBI), highlighted the importance of changing the sexist social order to end sexual violence. In his discussion, he stressed that misconceptions about sexual violence and the myths surrounding it need to be corrected, especially those linking violence to the victim’s clothing or education. Moreover, he argued that significant changes are required at four levels: personal, relational, institutional, and social, including building gender equality, respecting bodily integrity, and stopping sexist cultures and the normalization of sexual violence in society.

On the other hand, Elisabet S.A. Widyastuti, SKM, M.Kes., Executive Director of PKBI Central Java Province, explained the provision of psychosocial support for victims of sexual violence. She emphasized, “Sexual violence cases are a reality around us; anyone can be a perpetrator, and anyone can be a victim.” Elisabet also provided guidance on the steps that can be taken if a close friend becomes a victim of sexual violence, including the importance of providing emotional support and directing the victim to appropriate services.

Meanwhile, Dr. Kushandajani, a member of FWU FISIP Undip, provided an explanation of the forms of sexual violence that commonly occur on campus. During the session, she also further introduced FWU and BKM to the attending lecturers, with the hope that the lecturers would be more proactive in supporting the prevention and handling of sexual violence cases on campus.

With the implementation of this socialization event, it is expected that all FISIP Undip lecturers will become more prepared and actively involved in anticipating various academic issues, mental health problems, bullying, intolerance, and sexual violence on campus. This initiative aligns with FISIP Undip’s commitment to creating a safe, inclusive, and supportive academic environment for the well-being of the entire academic community.