SRAGEN (15/08/2024) – Alfan Hidayat, a student from Universitas Diponegoro’s (Undip) KKN Team II, implemented a work program during community service Program (KKN) activity aimed at realizing good governance in village administration. The program focused on the digitization of the community complaint service system.
Assigned to Kedawung Village, Mondokan Subdistrict, Sragen Regency, Central Java, Alfan participated in the KKN program held from July 11 to August 20, 2024. Kedawung Village itself serves as the capital of Mondokan Subdistrict and is located at its center.
Although it is the subdistrict’s capital, the village’s complaint service system was still unorganized. According to the Village Head of Kedawung, Riki Astono, residents usually file complaints by directly contacting him through his personal phone or WhatsApp.
This practice resulted in poorly organized complaint records and often disrupted the Village Head’s working hours. Ideally, there should be a dedicated team and a structured system for handling public complaints to ensure effective resolution.
Motivated by these issues, Alfan Hidayat decided to develop a Digital Community Complaint Service System for Kedawung Village as his work program. He created a complaint service system using a Linktree platform, which includes a Google Form for submitting complaints specific to Kedawung Village, The WhatsApp number of the Village Head, The WhatsApp numbers of the village’s hamlet heads, The contact numbers of all neighborhood heads in Kedawung Village.
Training on Managing the Online Complaint Form for Kedawung Village Officials (Source: Personal Documentation)
On August 1, 2024, Alfan handed over the output of his work program in the form of an online complaint service brochure containing a QR code linked to the Linktree system. The QR code brochures were placed in the Kedawung Village Office’s service area to facilitate public access when visiting the office. Additionally, Alfan trained Kedawung Village officials on managing the online complaint form to ensure optimal use and proper handling of public complaints.
Through this initiative, it is expected that the handling of public complaints in Kedawung Village will improve significantly, as a dedicated and accessible channel is now in place. Furthermore, the online complaint service system, accessible via QR code linked to the Linktree, allows the public to submit complaints anytime and from anywhere. Ultimately, this work program aims to realize good governance in Kedawung Village’s administration.
Author: Alfan Hidayat – Public Administration
Field Supervisor: Ir. Ibnu Pratikto, M.Si.
Location: Kedawung Village, Mondokan Subdistrict, Sragen Regency