Visit and Cooperation Exploration with the Australian Embassy at FISIP Undip

Posted by Admin

July 2, 2024

Semarang (13/06) – To support Universitas Diponegoro (Undip) in becoming a World Class University, establishing international cooperation is a critical strategic step. This cooperation not only opens opportunities for academic exchanges but also expands international networks that can enhance Undip’s global reputation. A tangible manifestation of this effort is the visit and cooperation exploration with the Australian Embassy at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) of Undip.

The visit and cooperation exploration with the Australian Embassy was held on Thursday, June 13, 2024, in the Senate Meeting Room at the FISIP Undip Tembalang campus. The visit was attended by representatives from the Australian Embassy to Indonesia, namely Julian Bowen, Counselor of the Political Section, and Felicity Lane, First Secretary of the Australian Embassy. Their arrival was warmly welcomed by the Dean of FISIP Undip, Dr. Drs. Teguh Yuwono, M.Pol.Admin., along with faculty members from FISIP Undip.

In his remarks, Dr. Teguh Yuwono stated that this event focused on discussions regarding academic matters and cooperation exploration between FISIP Undip and the Australian Embassy in Indonesia. He expressed his hope to organize various joint activities with the Australian Embassy, such as Academic Exchanges, Ambassadorial Lectures, Australian Day, and the establishment of an Australian Corner.

“I dream there will be an Australian Corner on the campus, in the library, on the second floor or the first floor, so everybody can learn about Australia,” said Dr. Teguh. He also emphasized the importance of strengthening bilateral relations between the two countries through concrete academic cooperation.

This event is expected to result in fruitful international cooperation, not only between Australia and Indonesia but also between Undip and various universities in Australia. Thus, Undip can further strengthen its position as a world-class university through strategic and sustainable international collaborations.