Exploring the World of Higher Education: Three High Schools from Tangerang and Bekasi Come to FISIP UNDIP

Posted by Admin

June 19, 2024

Semarang (06/13) – In an effort to enhance students’ knowledge about higher education and introduce the various study programs and facilities available at universities, the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) at Universitas Diponegoro (Undip) proudly welcomed a visit from high school students from various parts of the country to the campus, known as the Orange Campus. Over three consecutive days, from June 10, 2024, to Wednesday, June 12, 2024, students from SMA N 17 South Tangerang Regency, SMA N 6 South Tangerang, and SMA Korpri Bekasi eagerly visited the FISIP Undip campus.

The event began with a warm welcome from the Chairman of the FISIP Undip Achievement Unit, Agus Naryoso, S.Sos., M.Si., representing the Dean of FISIP Undip, who expressed gratitude for the visit from the students and teachers of the three schools. In his speech, He provided information about the excellence of FISIP Undip compared to other campuses including qualified lecturers, campus facilities with International Standards, campus programs from within the country and abroad and others..

Unlike previous school visits, this visit featured a special performance by one of the Study Program Administrators at FISIP Undip, Ms. Putri, who sang a song to entertain and create a more familiar and memorable atmosphere for the students. Subsequently, faculty representatives gave informative presentations about the strengths of the study programs and the career opportunities available to FISIP Undip graduates.

Following the presentations, there was a question-and-answer session between the students and lecturers, where questions ranged from international programs and registration processes to the distinctive orange colour of the FISIP Undip campus. There was clear enthusiasm displayed on the faces of the students in listening to information and getting a more in-depth overview of their further study options at FISIP Undip.

Next, the students were taken on a campus tour to see the various facilities at FISIP Undip, which meet international standards, including the library, student activity unit room, and the FISIP Undip Multimedia Laboratory. The high school students also had the opportunity to interact with FISIP students, allowing them to experience firsthand the dynamic and spirited campus life.