Sambatin Dekan: Gathering FISIP Undip Students’ Aspirations

Posted by Admin

June 7, 2024

Semarang (06/06) – The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) at Universitas Diponegoro (Undip) remains committed to providing the best services for its students. As a concrete manifestation of this commitment, on Thursday, June 6, 2024, FISIP Undip held the “Sambatin Dekan” event aimed at collecting student aspirations. The event, held in the Auditorium on the 3rd floor of Building A, FISIP Undip Tembalang, was open to all students, lecturers, and administrative staff within FISIP Undip.

In his opening remarks, the Dean of FISIP Undip, Dr Drs Teguh Yuwono, M.Pol.Admin, emphasized the importance of honest and data-based communication when conveying aspirations. “Today we meet to communicate and discuss, and I want you all to speak not based on opinions, not on views, but on facts and data. Thus, we can follow up with certainty,” Dr. Teguh stated firmly.

He also stressed that the aspirations expressed by the students would not affect their academic grades. “Please convey the truth, the factual, not fabricated. I will resolve each case individually,” he added. On this occasion, Dr. Teguh also expressed his desire to see the students succeed and be happy. “I want you to be happy, I want you to be successful, I want you to graduate on time, I want you to achieve your life goals quickly so you can make your parents happy,” he conveyed to the students.

Dr. Teguh reiterated FISIP Undip’s commitment to providing maximum service in his remarks. “Don’t forget, I have opened a 24-hour service. What is it? The front lobby with the security is open 24 hours,” he stressed. The Dean of FISIP Undip also urged the students to resolve issues directly with the Dean, lecturers, Heads of Departments, or Heads of Study Programs rather than sharing them on social media.

During the discussion session, various issues raised by the students included regulations for the IUP Program fees, the role of the FISIP Wellness Unit at the faculty level, as well as suggestions and feedback regarding facilities and infrastructure at FISIP Undip. Heads of departments and study programs within FISIP Undip were also given the opportunity to respond to the questions and suggestions submitted by the students, making this event a constructive and solution-oriented two-way communication forum.

The “Sambatin Dekan” event is one of FISIP Undip’s efforts to continuously improve the quality of services and facilities to support an optimal teaching and learning process and the well-being of the entire academic community within FISIP Undip.