Follow-up Plan for Internal Quality Audit of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences

In order to support optimal educational quality assurance activities, the Quality Assurance Team (TPMF) from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences held an Internal Quality Audit (AMI) Follow-up Plan (RTL) on Thursday, May 2, 2024, at the Senate Meeting Room with the Faculty Stakeholders, Head of Department, Head of Study Program, alongside with Quality Assurance Team (GPM).

The event began with remarks from the Dean of FISIP Undip. Dr. Teguh Yuwono, M.Pol.Admin regarding the AMI reports held by the Undip Education Quality Assurance and Development Institute (LP2MP) at the end of 2023 and early 2024. Dr. Teguh Yuwono mentioned that the strategies for achieving excellent quality assurance had different objectives in the Undergraduate, Graduate and Doctoral programs. By identifying the problems, several policies could be implemented by the Faculty in the Department and Study Program levels. As senior advisor,  Prof. Dr. Drs Hadi Warsono., M.T also provided input regarding the aim of RTL AMI, i.e. obtaining recommendations to improve higher education quality assurance by identifying the important findings on the Internal Quality Assurance Report.

Next, as moderator, Head of TPMF FISIP Retna Hanani, S.Sos, MPP explained several policy priorities identified after the release of the AMI audit results:

  1. RTL Undergraduate Program Priorities: Criterion 4 Community Service (PKM), Permanent Study Program Lecturer (DTPS), TPS Research, Criterion 5: Research Funds, PKM Funds, from outside Undip; Criterion 6: Learning Monitoring; Criterion 9: User Satisfaction
  2. RTL Masters Program Priorities: Criterion 3: attractiveness of the study program; Criterion 4: PKM DTPS; Criterion 6: Learning Monitoring, Student Satisfaction, CPL Fulfillment; Criterion 9: Study Period. Suitability for Field of Work, User Satisfaction
  3. RTL Doctoral Program Priorities: Criterion 3: attractiveness (creating a workshop); Criterion 4: PKM DTPS, DTPS Research Criterion 6: Student Satisfaction; Criterion 9: Study Period

Following up on the identification of problems found in the AMI report, internal assessors at FISIP represented by the TPMF team, namely Dr. Drs. Turnomo Rahardjo, M.Si., Dr. Dewi Erowati, S. Sos., M. Si. and Dr. Hapsari Dwiningtyas Sulistyani, S.Sos., M.A., M.Sc. also explains in detail the steps that the Study Program must take to determine AMI results that still need improvement. As Vice Dean for Resources, Ika Riswanti Putranti, Ph.D also provided direction regarding updating data and documents related to properly recording the absorption of funds for activities in each study program and improving assessment points in AMI