A Discussion Between FISIP Undip and the Australian Embassy: The Current Conditions and Opportunities for Cooperation

Posted by Admin

April 2, 2024

Semarang (01/04) – On Thursday, March 28, 2024, the campus of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) at Universitas Diponegoro (Undip) bore witness to an engaging discussion between FISIP Undip and the Australian Embassy. The discussion aimed to explore the current conditions and opportunities for collaboration between the two parties in various political and social aspects.

Representatives from the Australian Embassy, including Julian Bowen, Counselor for Political Affairs, accompanied by Ms. Georgina Lupson, Secretary for Political Affairs, were warmly received by the Dean of FISIP Undip, Dr. Drs. Teguh Yuwono, M.Pol.Admin. Their presence marked the initial steps in building closer relations between FISIP Undip and Australia in the fields of political and social sciences.

Also present at the event were the Expert Staff to the Vice Dean II, Dinalestari Purbawati, S.E., M.Si., Akt., the Manager of the Administrative Affairs Division at FISIP Undip, Andi Widiasmoro, S.T., M.Kom., the Head of the International Office (UUI) at FISIP Undip, Bangkit Aditya Wiryawan, S.Sos., M.A., Ph.D, as well as several faculty lecturers and other UUI members.

In his address, Dean Dr. Drs. Teguh Yuwono, M.Pol.Admin., emphasized the importance of cooperation between institutions and countries. He stated, “This can enhance our collaboration, relations between universities, and also between countries because in my opinion, interpersonal relations are the most crucial aspect of our cooperation or communication.”

The discussion focused on various topics related to the political developments post-2024 elections and leading up to the 2024 Regional Elections (Pilkada). Both parties discussed various relevant collaboration opportunities within the context of evolving political and social conditions in Indonesia and Australia.

With a spirited and enthusiastic atmosphere, this discussion is hoped to be the starting point for closer collaboration between FISIP Undip and the Australian Embassy, contributing positively to strengthening international relations and fostering a deeper understanding in the fields of politics and social sciences.

Looking ahead, it is anticipated that this collaboration will continue to grow and deliver tangible benefits for both parties, serving as an example of collaboration between institutions and countries in advancing knowledge and societal well-being.