Joint Tarawih Prayers at FISIP Undip: Building Islamic Civilization

Posted by Admin

March 23, 2024

Semarang (22/03) – The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) at Universitas Diponegoro (Undip) once again witnessed harmony in worship with the implementation of the Isya’ and Tarawih Prayers at the Darul Ilmi Mosque, FISIP Undip. This activity was part of a series of Tarawih Keliling or Tarling (visiting different mosques for Tarawih prayers) initiated by the caretaker of Campus Mosque (MasKam) of Universitas Diponegoro, inviting participants from the academic community of Undip during the month of Ramadan 1445 Hijriah.

More than 300 participants enthusiastically participated in this Ramadan activity. Some even took the time to arrive early to greet other participants. Among the participants were Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M.Hum., the Rector of Universitas Diponegoro, along with the Vice Rectors, Board of Trustees, Academic Senate, as well as Deans, Vice Deans, lecturers, and educational staff within the campus community. Students from FISIP Undip also joined in and enlivened the atmosphere of this holy month activity.

The Vice Rector III for Communication and Business, Prof. Budi Setiyono, S.Sos., M.Pol.Admin., PhD., along with the Dean of FISIP Undip, Dr. Drs. Teguh Yuwono, M.Pol.Admin, also had the opportunity to become the hosts of the event. In his address, the Dean of FISIP Undip, Dr Teguh Yuwono reported on several developments related to the FISIP Undip campus, which had now become the most comfortable campus for learning. He also announced the formation of a new rebana group at FISIP Undip as an effort to enrich religious and artistic activities on campus.

A highlight of this activity was the material presented by Prof. Dr. Ahmad Rofiq, M.A., Chairman of PW DMI Jateng, which focused on the theme of Building Islamic Civilization. He provided insights into the beginnings of the Prophet Muhammad in building Islamic civilization in Medina. In his explanation, he emphasized the importance of positioning each group at the same level, a value reflected in the Medina Charter with its 47 points. He asserted that this was the seeds of a civilization that must be built.

Furthermore, Prof. Ahmad Rofiq emphasized that, “The mandate of the Constitution must be carried out correctly regardless of the interests of certain groups.”

The atmosphere of this holy month activity was further enhanced by the performance of the new rebana team, which will soon be inaugurated. This adds to the lively atmosphere and reaffirms the diversity of religious activities adopted within the Orange Campus environment.

Thus, the Joint Tarawih Prayers at FISIP Undip not only served as a place for worship, but also as a momentum to strengthen fraternal bonds and enrich the religious and artistic heritage within the campus community. Hopefully, similar activities can continue to be implemented and provide significant benefits to the entire academic community of Universitas Diponegoro.