Profile of Gina, a Government Science Student at FISIP UNDIP: Learning Political Dynamics à la Erdogan at Istanbul Aydin University, Turkey

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March 19, 2024

Semarang (18/03) – The student exchange program has become one of the most effective ways to broaden students’ horizons and experiences at an international level. One of the students from the Government Studies Study Program at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) at Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP) has taken this bold step by participating in the student exchange program at Istanbul Aydin University, Turkey.

The student, named Theresia Nadya Regina Winarno Siregar, commonly known as Gina, is a true example of the adventurous spirit and the desire of FISIP UNDIP students to learn about governance and politics abroad. With the support of her family and FISIP UNDIP lecturers, she successfully secured the opportunity to spend one semester at Istanbul Aydin University, a prestigious institution located in the magnificent capital of Turkey.

Driven by a desire to experience new things and a keen interest in Politics and Governance, Gina chose the International Undergraduate Program (IUP) and the Government Studies Study Program at FISIP UNDIP. Enrolling in the IUP at FISIP UNDIP was one of the keys to Gina obtaining the opportunity for a Student Exchange at Istanbul Aydin University, Turkey. IUP, short for International Undergraduate Program, is a class specifically designed for both domestic and international students aiming to produce graduates who can compete globally.

Using English as the medium of instruction is a requirement for IUP classes, which adhere to international program standards. Participating in a Student Exchange or having the opportunity to study for one semester at one of their chosen foreign universities is one of the obligations for students in the IUP track, including Gina. In this IUP program, each course taken by FISIP UNDIP IUP students abroad will be converted or exchanged with courses in Indonesia, ensuring that their grades are automatically recorded by the system.

It was a new experience for Gina when she participated in the Student Exchange at Istanbul Aydin University, Turkey, as she met many friends from various countries who eventually became like family to her during her stay in Turkey. Gina also shared that her Student Exchange experience in Turkey was very exciting, as she could travel alone to various places, both within the Istanbul Aydin University area and tourist spots in Turkey.

“It was difficult at first, especially since the food and bureaucracy of the Turkish government were quite slow. But, I experienced all of that only in the first month and the next month was smooth. Other than that, my communication with my family went smoothly, it was just the time difference (between Turkey and Indonesia) and I felt that I was homesick for Indonesian food, because Indonesian food in Turkey is relatively expensive,” said Gina.

Although Gina initially faced difficulties adapting during her Student Exchange at Istanbul Aydin University, Turkey, she eventually managed to blend in and feel comfortable. As a result, she also learned about the Turkish language and culture and shared Indonesian culture and language with her friends and lecturers at Istanbul Aydin University.

Gina’s success in taking the initiative to participate in the student exchange program at Istanbul Aydin University, Turkey, underscores the importance of collaboration between educational institutions at the international level. It also inspires other students to explore similar opportunities that can open doors to broaden their horizons and experiences abroad.

With a burning passion for knowledge and support from academic institutions like FISIP UNDIP, students like Gina bring hope for a future generation that is more open, connected, and cultured. Thus, the student exchange program continues to be an essential means of preparing future leaders who are ready to face global challenges with a broader understanding and diverse perspectives.