Lusiana, a Graduate of Universitas Diponegoro with Achievements and Prestigious Scholarships

Posted by Admin

December 4, 2023

Lusiana Gusprima Putri is an alumna of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, achieving the title of Best Graduate from the International Relations Program during the 172nd Graduation Ceremony of Universitas Diponegoro with a GPA of 3.86. Throughout her academic journey, Lusiana served as a teaching assistant and research assistant for Dr. Dra. Rr. Hermini Susiatiningsih, M.Si. Additionally, she actively participated in the Student Executive Board (BEM) for International Relations and held the position of Chair of the Research and Science Division of BEM FISIP for the 2019-2020 period.

Apart from her involvement in student organizations, she engaged in various national competitions, notably excelling in one of the pillars of research, Debate. Lusiana secured 2nd place and earned the title of best speaker at the National Student Debate Competition (KDMI) in 2020. She also served as an invited judge for both Regional and National KDMI competitions in 2021, 2022, and 2023. Furthermore, she achieved 3rd place and Best Speaker in the Asian Parliamentary Debate at the USU Games in 2020, among numerous other accolades in the field of Debate. Beyond debate, she was part of the top 100 teams in the Shopee Ultimate Case Challenge 2021.

“There have been numerous experiences and impressions I’ve gained at Universitas Diponegoro. I’ve met lecturers who imparted not only knowledge but also invaluable experiences. The lecturers in the International Relations program successfully established a close bond with all students, making the learning experience more enjoyable. Apart from providing comfort in academic learning, FISIP and Universitas Diponegoro also left a remarkable impression by extending exceptional support for non-academic student activities, facilitating competition participation, backing from all faculty members, the university administration, and offering gratifying appreciation through material rewards and social media acknowledgements,” she remarked.

In her final year of studies, Lusiana expanded her experiences by undertaking an independent internship at a journalistic company named AkutahuCompany. For her commitment to academic excellence and organizational involvement, she earned the opportunity to receive several scholarships, including the SMART Scholarship from Bank Rakyat Indonesia and the Outstanding Student Scholarship from the FISIP Alumni Association of Universitas Diponegoro.

“Equipping oneself with academic prowess is indeed a responsibility. However, it would be even better if peers also spend time balancing academic pursuits with other positive activities, such as engaging in organizations, competitions, event committees, volunteer work, research, activities within the campus environment, and more. There are many free or even sponsored activities provided by the university and governmental or private institutions that serve as sources for honing soft skills worth exploring. These soft skills serve as supportive assets not only in job hunting but also significantly impact the academic period, providing rewards from the university, diverse experiences, and extensive networks,” concluded Lusiana. (Sudanta – Public Relations).

