Dean of FISIP Undip to Visit China-Indonesia People-to-People Exchange Development Forum (2023)

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November 22, 2023

Semarang (11/22) – From November 20th to 22nd, 2023, Prof. Dr. Hardi Warsono, M.T., the Dean of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences at Universitas Diponegoro, led a delegation attending the China-Indonesia People-to-People Exchange Development Forum in Wuhan, Hubei. The event aimed to deepen mutual understanding regarding “The realization of China’s modernization and national rejuvenation and Indonesia’s Vision of Golden 2045.”

This forum served as a platform for leading thinkers from both countries to discuss interrelated agendas, namely China’s modernization and Indonesia’s Vision of Golden 2045. Amid discussions focused on deepening cognitive concepts, Prof. Hardi delivered a presentation titled “Analysis of Government-Private Sector Collaboration in Providing Public Transportation in Indonesia.”

In his presentation, Prof. Hardi conveyed that the Indonesia-China Cooperation in the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Train Project within the framework of Public-Private Partnership demonstrated transparency and commitment from both sides, as well as control and oversight in numerous aspects. Furthermore, he stated that, in his view, the negotiation process between the two countries did not pose significant challenges. Thus, these aspects facilitated the successful realization of G-to-G collaboration in the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Train Project.

Beyond his presentation, Prof. Hardi’s participation in the forum involved tangible actions to strengthen cooperation between institutions. During his visit to China, he also signed an Implementation Arrangement (IA) between the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences at Universitas Diponegoro and the Research Center for China-Indonesia People to People Exchange. This step serves as a crucial foundation for further cooperation between the two institutions in the realm of more profound research and scholarly exchanges.



Contributor: Inayah