Advocating Environmental Care and Sustainable Development: Seminar on A Bill of Natural Resource Management System

Posted by Admin

November 10, 2023

Semarang (11/10) – To enhance the understanding and awareness regarding the importance of responsible natural resource management, the Indonesian Association of Planners (IAP/ Ikatan Ahli Perencanaan Indonesia) in collaboration with the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences at Universitas Diponegoro (FISIP Undip) held a Seminar on a Bill of Natural Resource Management System. The event, which took place on Thursday, November 2, 2023, was accessible both online via the Zoom Meeting application and offline at the Theater Room of Building B, 1st Floor, FISIP Undip Tembalang campus.

In her opening address, Mrs. Ika Riswanti Putranti, S.H., M.H., Ph.D., Vice Dean of Resources at FISIP Undip representing the Dean of FISIP, opened up the event by elucidating the urgency of responsible natural resource management. She emphasized that the management of natural resources not only impacted economic development but also played a crucial role in environmental conservation and social well-being in Indonesia.

“The management of natural resources must be optimal and sustainable. This implies that the use of natural resources should not be depleted all at once but used wisely to be passed down to the next generation in a condition that is still favourable,” stated Mrs. Ika.

Furthermore, Mrs. Ika also asserted that the scope of natural resources and environmental economics should be managed considering technological, economic, social, cultural, and environmental criteria. This aligned with the spirit of sustainable development, which not only focused on economic aspects but also preserved ecological balance and social sustainability.

The event became more significant with the presence of several eminent speakers in their fields. They included Ir. Son Diamar, MSC, PHD, the initiator of the bill and Advisor to IAP; Prof. Dr. Sri Suwitri, MSi, a policy expert and public policy advocate; and Dr. Ida Sumarsih, SH, MKN, an alumna of the Faculty of Law Undip and a mining practitioner.

This seminar also marked the signing of a collaboration between IAP and FISIP Undip. This collaboration is expected to strengthen the synergy between planning experts and academics in developing sustainable policies resilient to change.

During the Q&A session, the participants actively engaged by posing intriguing questions. The discussion was facilitated by a competent moderator, Mrs. Prof. Dr. Ing. Wiwandari Handayani, ST, MT, MPS. Additionally, the speakers provided informative and insightful answers enriching the perspectives of the participants.

The Seminar on A Bill of the Natural Resource Management System is anticipated to be a significant initial step in fostering positive changes in natural resource management in Indonesia. Through the synergy among experts, academics, and practitioners, it is hoped that an adequate regulatory framework will be established to support sustainable development and societal well-being.