Asian Women Journalists for Media Freedom Workshop: Day Two and Three

Posted by Admin

October 27, 2023

Semarang (27/10) – The “Asian Women Journalists for Media Freedom” International Workshop continued with great enthusiasm on its second and third days (October 26-27, 2023), further reinforcing solidarity and addressing critical issues related to media freedom. The event, hosted at the Senate Hearing Room and Auditorium of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) at Universitas Diponegoro (Undip), brought together women journalists from various Asian countries in a hybrid format, fostering collaboration and discussions.

Day Two of the workshop commenced with a quick recap of the topics covered on the first day. Participants revisited key issues such as the challenges faced by female journalists and the advocacy for media freedom. The day featured enlightening presentations by notable experts, including Prof. Kim Kierans (Senior Fellow at Massey College, Toronto, Canada) who offered a unique perspective by presenting insights from the North America Women Survey. Her presentation shed light on the experiences of women journalists in North America and their struggles for equality in the media industry. There was also Luviana Ariyanti, M.Si (Gender Activist from the Independent Journalists Alliance (AJI)) who delivered a presentation on the Independent Journalists Alliance (AJI) Study. She addressed the serious issue of sexual harassment frequently encountered by female journalists in Indonesia and discussed efforts to provide better protection for them. Moreover, Khin Thandar Htay (Director of Women in News SEA/WAN-IFRA) shared her expertise, emphasizing the importance of gender equality and the role of women in the media industry.

The third day of the workshop brought the event to a meaningful conclusion. Dr. Nurul Hasfi, MA (Head of the Department of Communication Science at FISIP Undip) initiated a round table discussion on “Steps Moving Forward.” During this session, participants shared insights and ideas for further strengthening the network of Asian women journalists and addressing the challenges in the field of media freedom.

The day culminated in a recap of the workshop resolutions and plans for the future. Attendees collectively discussed the strategies and actions to be taken to advance the cause of media freedom in Asia, as well as the empowerment of women in journalism.

As a fitting conclusion to this international workshop, participants were treated to a guided tour of Undip and the historic Old Town of Semarang, fostering camaraderie and cultural exchange.

The “Asian Women Journalists for Media Freedom” International Workshop has not only strengthened the bond among women journalists in Asia but has also provided a platform for the exchange of experiences and best practices. This collective effort marks a significant step in the support of media freedom and the advancement of women’s roles in journalism across Asia.