Health Service Facility (Fasyankes) Transfer Provisions for Students of the Class of 2020 and 2021 Universitas Diponegoro

Posted by En_Admin

January 13, 2023

To respond to the announcement of the Rector of Universitas Diponegoro Number 2 / UN7.A1 / KM / I /2023, we hereby convey the information related to the transfer of Health Service Facilities (Fasyankes) to Klinik Pratama Diponegoro I for students of 2020 and 2021 classes, the complete information can be downloaded HERE

Below are the stages in the transfer of Health Care Facilities:

1. Make a Fasyankes Transfer through JKN Mobile

  • Prepare your BPJS number, cellphone number and active email (for those who don’t have an account)
  • Download the JKN Mobile Application
  • Login and Select the Perubahan Data Peserta/Participant Data Change Menu
  • Click the arrow image on level 1 health facility, Klinik Pratama Diponegoro 1

2. Report the results of the Fasyankes transfer through SSO by :

  • Login to SSO with your respective student account
  • Select FORM Application
  • Select the Form Pindah Fasyankes/Health Facility Transfer Form

3. Upload the certificate through the page:

If you have problems transferring Fasyankes, don’t hesitate to contact the Helpdesk service at Hallo UNDIP.


