Dr. Sari Listyorini, S.Sos, M.AB (Lecturer of Business Administration FISIP UNDIP) Discussing Research on the Religious Level of a Muslim and the Level of Its Involvement with Muslim Fashion Products.

Posted by En_Admin

January 9, 2023

Dr. Sari Listyorini, S.Sos, M.AB is a lecturer in the Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro with expertise in Business Administration ( Bachelor’s degree), Business Administration ( Master’s degree), and Business Administration ( Doctoral degree). In her scientific research on the Influence of Religiosity on Fashion Involvement, Fashion Knowledge, Customer Perceived Value, Consumer Satisfaction, and Patronage Intention, Dr. Sari reviewed the characteristics of the product, namely fashion, which changed very quickly so that it encouraged consumers to continue to be involved in following the current trend, and if the product provider did not adapt to it, patronage intention did not occur.

“The ever-changing desires of humans or consumers should receive attention from marketers to accommodate all changes in these desires. One of them is fashion products that always experience rapid changes, which require the creativity of designers or companies to comply with changes,” she said.

According to her, fashion companies relied on customers making repeat purchases to achieve satisfaction and patronage when a fashion product was stylish, durable, easy to maintain, comfortable, valuable and met all other criteria considered relevant to the needs of the buyer. One of a person’s needs for fashion was fashion products for Muslim women.

“Recommendations from this study include suggestions for brand store owners to pay attention to consumer religiosity as a basis for being more consistent in creating Muslim fashion products that comply with Islamic law and are in demand by consumers. Brand stores explicitly provide important information related to Muslim fashion products to consumers to generate individual preferences for Muslim fashion. Pull Strategy is a strategy that is directed to bring consumers. It can be done by Word of Mouth, vigorous promotion to mass media, and advertisement sales. Although it requires a very large cost, the impact is extraordinary in capturing the Muslim fashion market in Indonesia,” concluded Dr. Sari. (Lin-PR)


Source: undip.ac.id