40 UNDIP Librarians to Pass Librarian Competency Certification

Posted by En_Admin

November 14, 2022

Semarang – Central Java (11/11). TUK/ Tempat Uji Kompetensi (Competency Test Site) UPT/ Unit Pelaksana Teknis (Technical Implementation Unit) Library and Undip Press Universitas Diponegoro (Undip) has just held a librarian competency certificate submission event on Friday (4/11) at the 1st Floor Meeting Room UPT Library and Undip Press.

The event was attended by the Vice-Rector for Communication and Business, the Head of Undip’s Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDM), the Head of the Communication and Business Bureau, the Head of the General and Financial Bureau, the Head of UPT Library and Undip Press, Representatives of the Professional Certification Agency (LSP) for Librarianship, Managers and Supervisors within Undip, and assessment participants in the field of librarianship.

This competency certificate submission event is carried out based on the Decree of the Chairperson of the Librarian Professional Certificate Institute Number 45 of 2022 concerning the Determination of Competency Assessment Results at TUK UPT Library and Undip Press. The certificate was handed over from the Professional Certification Institute (LSP) for librarianship represented by the Assessor, Dra. Yuniwati BYPMMYRR, S.Sos., M.Si to the Head of BPSDM Undip, Prof. Mochamad Arief Budiharjo, S.T., M.Eng.Sc, Ph.D., IPM.

Starting his remarks, Vice-Rector for Communication and Business Prof. Budi Setiyono, S.Sos., M.Pol.Admin., Ph.D. congratulated the participants who successfully passed the librarian competency assessment process. “On behalf of the University leaders, we congratulate you on this achievement. Hopefully, the certificate can improve the ability, credibility, integrity, and also the skills of ladies and gentlemen as librarians or as holders of librarian certificates,” said Prof Budi.

By accepting the librarian certificate, Prof Budi hoped that participants could be better at providing services so that they could accelerate Undip’s performance. “We hope that after you receive the certificate, the way of thinking and acting in serving must be better than before. This will accelerate Undip’s performance in serving well to customers, namely students, lecturers, and also the general public,” he explained.

Head of BPSDM Undip, Prof. Mochamad Arief Budiharjo, S.T., M.Eng.Sc, Ph.D., IPM. in his report explained that 40 participants took the assessment and all passed the librarian competency certification. “The certification activity was attended by 40 participants and Alhamdulillah, all of them passed. We make sure they are really competent in their respective areas,” explained Prof Arief.

The 40 participants were Education Personnel from all Faculties and Schools within Undip, and were divided into several competencies including Implementation of Library Collection Development by 6 participants, Basic Library Services by 19 participants, Implementation of Library Service Promotion by 4 participants, Implementation of Computer-Based Cataloguing by 4 participants, and Implementation of Subject Cataloguing by 7 participants.

“Currently Undip already has these four clusters, so it is quite complete and ready to go towards library accreditation. We encourage library accreditation and with the four clusters that have been established, I think maximum results can be achieved,” concluded Prof Arief. (Diah & Putri – PR)


Source: undip.ac.id