FISIP Heroes: Stories of Communication Science Students who are ready to Advance to Diponegoro Art Competition 2022

Posted by Admin

June 2, 2022

Poster FISIP Heroes (Sumber : Instagram BEM Fisip Undip)

Through the upload to the Instagram account @bemfisipundip on Friday (21/5), the delegation from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) for the Diponegoro Art Competition 2022 (DAC) has been officially announced.

22 FISIP students passed the selection at the faculty level through the FISIP MARS competition. They will fight again to win the title in the DAC competition which will be held on (6/06). The winners of FISIP MARS in each competition branch were later known as FISIP Heroes.

From the Communication Studies study program itself, five people were declared to be FISIP Heroes in several competitions, such as poetry reading, poster design, poetry writing, and short story writing.

Tiara Annisa, FISIP Heroes representative of Communication Science at the poetry writing competition branch, said that the challenge to think creatively was one of her motivations in participating in the FISIP MARS competition.

“My motivation to join FISIP MARS is to challenge me to think creatively and try to dare to take the opportunities that exist. The thing is, I was finally able to join FISIP MARS after fighting pessimism about my abilities and being lazy to work,” he said.

Tiara herself conducted an online selection for a poetry creation competition (23/4). Hedisclosethat before the competition is held, each representative from each study program is asked to join the Line group to get information from the committee in the form of a booklet of competition procedures and the provisions for participant registration files.

“There will also be a technical meeting on April 22, 2022, for further explanations regarding the contents of the booklet and a question and answer session,” he added.

Tiara revealed that the poetry writing competition itself was held online and on the spot from 9:00 to 16:00 WIB. The theme “save the earth” was chosen to be the theme of the FISIP MARS 2022 poetry writing competition.

“On the D day, the poetry writing selection system is online and on the spot from 9:00 to 4:00 p.m. To share the theme of the poem announced 30 minutes before the selection starts (8.30 WIB). Turns out, the theme of the poem’s writing is‘SaveTheyearth’,” he explained.

Finally, on (4/04), Tiara was announced as the 1st winner of a poetry writing competition. He was later declared to be a representative of FISIPwhichadvance to the DAC competition.

“I just found out that the winners of each art branch at the FISIP MARS level will advance to DAC. So, all the winners of FISIP MARS enter the Line group again to be guided and given information on the registration and competition process in the form of booklets again,” he said.

Unlike the preparations for the FISIP MARS competition, at this time’s FISIP Heroes, the participants received guidance from experienced mentors who would guide the participants to prepare for the next stage. The training session was held for one week from7th –14th May 2022three sessions.

“So, from May 7 to May 14, there were 3 mentoring sessions. There, I got an insight into how to write a good and good poem, and I was also given the task of writing poetry. After that, they are reviewed and given input from their mentors,” he explained.

Meanwhile, Hidayatul Faizah as FISIP Heroes representative of Communication Science in the poetry reading competition branch revealed the process of the competition that she was running.

“We are asked to upload the video of the competition to YouTprivate be respectively and not for the public. Then there’s voting on Instagram@fisipmarsand thank God I won and advanced to the next round, namely DAC,” said Hidayatul when interviewed on Thursday (26/5).

In line with Tiara, Hidayatul also received training sessions with experienced mentors to prepare for the DAC competition.

“In DAC, there were 3 training sessions that were trained by Sis Ilma. During the training, we were given tips on how to read poetry correctly and so on,” he said.

Hidayatul himself expressed his gratitude to all students who had participated in providing support until they arrived truck where he was awarded as FISIP Heroes.

“From friends, (they) are very supportive because they help like, share, and so on. I thank my friends in Communication Studies,” he concluded.

Author : Almira Khairunnisa

Reporter : Helga Andrea Oktavia & Gisella Previan Laoh

Editor : Lasting Irma Salugiasih