Thesis and Capstone Project of Communication Science Students

Posted by Admin

May 11, 2022

Source : Salsabila Febryanti

Semarang – Saturday, April 23, 2022, a thesis and capstone project event was held by the Communication Studies Program. This event was opened by Nesya Alyalina Dita as the MC, followed by remarks from S. Rouli Manalu Ph.D. as the Head of the S1 Communication Science Study Program.

Dissertation of thesis and capstone project is one of the annual research and achievement work programs of HMPS Undip Communication Studies. This activity aims to assist final semester students in getting information and a broader picture regarding the preparation of the final project, either thesis or capstone project.

Article 37 of the Academic Regulations of Diponegoro University states that the final project or thesis can be done after students have completed at least 120 credits of courses. However, the thesis exam can be done when 10 study programs, 10 Student Specialization Courses (MKPM), and 10 open courses have been completed, so the total courses that must be completed are 145 credits.

There are two forms of a final project, namely thesis, and capstone project. A thesis is individual research that is guided by 2 supervisors. While the capstone project is a communication project that produces products for use by the industry under the guidance of 2 supervisors from the department and a supervisor from the company.

In the distribution of supervisors, students propose 3 alternative names of supervisors first. Students will get the first choice lecturer if the quota for the first lecturer’s guidance is not full or the first choice lecturer chooses the student. If students do not get the first choice lecturer, they can choose the second or third lecturer by adjusting the research topic.

The procedure for implementing the final thesis includes:

  • Students submit 1 name of supervisor at the end of semester 6. It is recommended to submit the thesis to the IRS if the preparation of the proposal has been completed.
  • The Head of Study Program chooses a supervisor by paying attention to specialization and workload. Students begin guidance on proposal preparation in 1 semester.
  • The supervisor decides whether the proposal is suitable for testing.
  • The Head of Study Program chooses 2 examiners for the proposal, where examiner 1 will be the dosbing and examiner 2 will be the examiner lecturer.
  • Students together with 2 dosbing prepare the final project.
  • The final task preparation session determines the student’s graduation.

Meanwhile, the procedure for implementing the final project of the capstone project is not too different from the thesis, but there is one specific requirement to justify what works can be proposed, namely, the proposed project must have a client who is committed to using the output of the project. The requirements and eligibility of a partner are discussed with the supervisor first.

This is because there is a formal legal document in the form of a joint document that must be signed by the university and company partners. If the partner has agreed with the project, the feasibility of the project must still be discussed by the supervisor. Just like a thesis, there will be an examiner lecturer who will assess the capstone project.

In writing proposals, thesis and capstone project have the same content, but in field works, there must be a division of tasks carried out by each member in carrying out the project.

“In the capstone project proposal, the content is the same, but it must be clear what tasks each member in the proposal will carry out. The contents of the proposal are the same, only that each member’s responsibilities must be indicated. In the new final report, it is different because the tasks and activities carried out during the project are different,” said the Head of the S1 Communication Studies Study Program, S. Rouli Manalu Ph.D.

A comparison of advantages and disadvantages between thesis and capstone project can be adjusted to each individual. The advantage of the thesis is that it is individual work, so students can adjust their pace. While the advantages of fieldwork are projects that will make it easier for students to be accepted in the industry because they have a portfolio.

Author: Kumala Puspa Ningrum

Reporter: Salsabila Febryanti

Editor: Lasting Irma Salugiasih

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