NUDC X KDMI : Student Event Shows Self-Actualization

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April 19, 2022

(Source : Avicenna, participant NUDC)

Semarang – The university-level debate selection event, namely Interface NUDC and KDMI at Diponegoro University, was held from March 19, 2021, to March 27, 2022. The Communication Studies Program sent its students to become NUDC FISIP delegates, namely Avicennia Marina Alfatimi (2021), and KDMI FISIP delegates namely Dhea Demisa Br Ginting (2020) and Aisya Aulia Sudrajat (2021).

The National University Debating Championship or NUDC is a debate competition activity between universities on a national scale. This activity has been going on since 2008. Every year, delegates who pass the selection between universities in Indonesia, NUDC will send as representatives of Indonesia to the World Universities Debating Championship or WUDC.

Meanwhile, not much different from NUDC, KDMI or the Indonesian Student Debate Competition is also a self-actualization activity for students through debate competitions. However, the difference is that NUDC is packaged in English while KDMI is packaged in Indonesian.

The method used in NUDC and KDMI is still the same, namely using British Parliamentary. When the selection activity took place, the scope of the discussion covered various fields of science, not only scientific debate. The debate competition this time focused on data processing and the arguments for the motions to be given, while still using impromptu arguments.

The purpose of sending a delegation is to represent Diponegoro University at the national level later. But before that, their wastages must be understood first. Each faculty must prepare its best delegation of three teams, consisting of six people (Team A, B, and C) by going through several stages of selection.

The selection series will include an internal faculty selection to form a team first. After the inter-faculty team is formed, it will enter the team-breaking stage where later all faculties at Diponegoro University will be selected simultaneously. Then the teams that qualify will proceed to the quarter-finals, semifinals, and finals. After that, the selected team will compete to represent Diponegoro University at the national level.

Furthermore, Dhea revealed that after passing the selection, 2 FISIP KDMI delegation teams managed to qualify for the next round to compete at the faculty level. While one other team had to stop until the final quarter. Not only that, but FISIP also sent two NUDC delegation teams, where the first team only reached the semifinals and the second team reached the final stage.

Armed with joining the Undip UKM Debating Forum, Avis became one of the delegates who passed to represent the Communication Science study program in the Interface NUDC FISIP event. In addition, intensive training is also given when they become NUDC FISIP delegates.

“After becoming a NUDC FISIP delegate, we practiced for a week intensively with NUDC FISIP delegates last year, such as Ms. Kevin, Ms. Revan, Ms. Mairel, and other debate seniors,” said Avis.

Usually, the training is divided into two sessions, namely a material session and a sparring session with other faculties or called team swing. This exercise was very helpful for the delegates because the faculty and BEM FISIP were involved during the selection, after that no further coordination was carried out for exercises and so on. Thus, the presence of mentors from seniors greatly provided insight to the delegates.

The files that need to be prepared for students who are interested in participating in the selection of the faculty’s internal NUDC x KDMI delegation are KTM and CV. The first debate session will discuss how you understand the methods used in debating. Because the method used this year is different from the method used last year.

For Dhea, what she hopes to achieve after becoming a KDMI FISIP delegate can certainly bring and make FISIP proud at the university level. I have no regrets about joining the debate team. Even though it is hard to learn from the beginning, he is very grateful for making himself able to think more critically, increase his knowledge and increase his relationships with the great people around him. Being able to become a delegate in KDMI FISIP is one of the pride of the Communication Science study program.

“Keep learning, Up to date, and don’t forget to pray,” concluded Dea.

Author: Risa Nurhaliza

Reporter: Alivia Nuriyani Syiva / Salsabila Febriyanti

Editor: Lasting Irma Salugiasih

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