Information and Training Socialization of PKM Proposal Writing for Communication Science Student

Posted by Admin

March 29, 2022

PKM 2022 Socialization Documentation (Souce: Helga Andrea Oktavia)

Semarang- Saturday, March 12, 2022, socialization of the Student Creativity Program (PKM) by the Communication Studies Program was held. This event took place in the presence of all PKM participants from the Department of Communication Science and was moderated by S. Rouli Manalu Ph.D as the Head of the Communication Studies Bachelor’s Program. This event was also attended by Shoimatul Fitria SE MM, an expert assistant of the Faculty of Business and Economics (FEB) as a speaker.

Information and Training Socialization of PKM Proposal Writing Training was held with the hope that students can increase their knowledge and information about PKM. By presenting speakers who are experienced as PKM supervisors, students are also given information on how to write a good and correct proposal in order to pass the funding selection.

“Socialization of PKM is expected to be a forum for students to sharpen the material that has been obtained. Here, students will get information on how to pass the funding selection, how to make effective proposals, and others,” said Head of Communication Studies Study Program, S. Rouli Manalu Ph.D.

The Student Creativity Program (PKM) is a forum formed by the Directorate of Student Affairs and Studies under the auspices of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti). PKM is held as a forum for students to channel their ideas or innovations to produce something useful.

The implementation of PKM 2022 will be held offline, so it must strictly follow the health protocols (prokes) and it is also IT-based. This means that all implementation mechanisms, as discussed in Chapter 3, must be carried out following the prokes.

PKM 2022 has several updates to the name of the research field, including:

  • PKM-Constructive Futuristic Ideas (PKM-GFK) to PKM Video Constructive Ideas (PKM-VGK)
  • PKM Written Ideas (PKM-GT) became PKM Written Futuristic Ideas (PKM-GFT).

The following are the research areas of PKM 2022:

  • PKM-Exact Research (PKM-RE)
  • PKM-Research Social Humanities (PKM-RSH)
  • PKM-Entrepreneurship (PKM-K)
  • PKM-Community Service (PKM-PM)
  • PKM-Iptek Application (PKM-PI)
  • PKM-Karya Cipta (PKM-KC)
  • PKM-Innovative Works (PKM-KI)
  • PKM-Video Constructive Ideas (PKM-VGK)
  • PKM-Written Futuristic Ideas (PKM-GFT)
  • PKM-Scientific Articles (PKM-AI)

In writing the proposal, Times New Roman font size 12 is used, 1.5 spaced with right-left writing alignment, and uses A4 paper with 4 cm left, right, top, and bottom margins 3 cm. In the national level assessment, the regulations are very strict. Even though the theme is good, if the writing rules are wrong, it will immediately not pass. Unlike the university level, even if the writing is wrong, if the idea or theme is good, it will be given a chance to improve.

In making proposals, most students are still misguided, where they make proposals such as thesis reports. In fact, in PKM, students must bring up a theme that is up to date. The theme of PKM must be a national or regional issue based on SDGs, not only targeting companies.

At the end of the socialization, it was emphasized that students must pay attention to the writing that has been made. Every claim must have a reference, at least 5-10 scientific articles that are not more than 5 years old and have transparency. However, PKM is an opportunity to cultivate ideas and as a learning process. If we avoid the learning process, then we will never learn.

Writer: Kumala Puspa Ningrum

Reporter: Helga Andrea Oktavia

Editor: Langgeng Irma Salugiasih

