FISIP UNDIP Student Senate Successfully Held Public Hearing 2021

Posted by Admin

December 3, 2021

Documentation of Public Hearing (Photo: Almira)

Semarang— The Student Senate of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences successfully held the 2021 Public Hearing. This activity was held on Saturday, November 13, 2021, online through the Microsoft Teams platform. The series of events consisted of remarks by Ardaffa Firezha as The Chair of the 2021 Senate, followed by remarks from the Dean of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Diponegoro University, Dr. Drs. Hadi Warsono. Then the presentation of the research survey of Hearings brought by representatives of the Undip FISIP Student Senate. Finally, there was a response session for lecturers & parties regarding the studio that will be used in the student learning process.

Message from the Chair of the Senate 2021

In his overall speech, Ardaffa said that the hearing was held to find out the condition of all students in facing academic activities on campus and to provide an assessment of the services provided by the second party. Explaining the benefits of holding a Public Hearing, he also had hoped for the implementation of this activity.

“It is hoped that the hearing can improve the services provided to all students. The implementation of this activity also opens up opportunities for all students to express their aspirations, input, suggestions, and criticisms to FISIP Undip organizations directly,” said Ardaffa.

Message from the Dean of FISIP

Public Hearings are a positive tradition that is held every year. This activity provides many benefits for the manager after listening to the information provided by students. This is also supported by the Dean of FISIP Undip, Dr. Drs. Hadi Warsono.

“I think this activity will provide great benefits if we can then use the information provided by students,” he said.

In the current implementation of giving, proper adjustments are needed, especially during lecture activities. Modules or handbooks are one of the necessities needed to facilitate the provision of material to students. He also said that there will be digital library services that will be delivered by the Deputy Dean of Resources and development facilities and infrastructure that will be the focus of the Faculty until 2022.

“First, I ask from the digital library service that will be delivered by the Deputy Dean of Resources. Then, development facilities and infrastructure. Indeed, this year and 2022 we will focus on improving facilities and infrastructure as much as possible,” said Dr. Drs. Hadi Warsono as Dean of FISIP Undip.

Presentation of the Hearing Research Survey by Representatives of SM FISIP Undip

In the current era of Long Distance Restrictions in FISIP, this is evidenced by the addition of construction that connects several buildings in FISIP and there is also the construction of an elevator. Overall it is good, but there are some notes that still need to be addressed and fulfilled such as; the question of whether the Communication Studies Study Program will be equipped with studio facilities, toilets that do not meet the hygiene requirements, some lights that don’t turn on, as well as improvements to classrooms and the public.

Lecturer & Faculty Response Regarding Studio in Communication Studies

The Communication Science Studio is one of the needs of the Communication Science Study Program. Currently, the Communication Studies Study Program has a multimedia laboratory and newsroom. This was also shown by Mr. Teguh Yuwono “Yes, the Department of Communication Science has a laboratory. One visual media laboratory and one editorial room,” he said.

He also said that currently, the communication laboratory is getting assistance from BPPTN BH through BPP. The estimated funding is around 900 million, and Nantikan can be used to build a better communication laboratory. However, this 900 million fund is quite satisfactory for all, because based on the estimate, the fund will only get tools. Other needs such as electrical capacity and the interior in it also require funds. In the planning, all of these needs will be budgeted through the FISIP RKAT.

After the response from Mr. Teguh Yuwono as the Deputy Dean of FISIP Undip, it was continued by the Head of the Department of Communication Studies, Nurul Hasfi. In her presentation, she also stated that currently, Communication Science has a multimedia laboratory that can support the learning process in Communication Science. In this laboratory there are also many tools that can be used such as; DSLR cameras, editing rooms as well as dozens of professional TV cameras.

Besides having a multimedia laboratory, 2 newsrooms are used for editorial practice. The disbursement of funds from BPP can be applied to a multimedia laboratory so that it can present a professional studio that students will later use for practice. The development of the set up of the laboratory was also discussed with alumni from the Communication Sciences Department, this was also conveyed during the Public Hearing, “So far, we have consulted with alumni from the Communication Department. One of them is Mas Yogi, he is from Kompas TV Jakarta. We discuss how to make the setup of the laboratory run properly,” said Nurul Hasfi as Head of the Department of Communication Studies.

The Communication Sciences will continue to coordinate together with Vice Dean FISIP and BPP Undip as a provider of funds so that they can immediately carry out executions related to laboratory improvements so that they can support the effectiveness of the learning and teaching process.

The final response came from the Head of the Communication Studies Study Program, Rouli Manalu. She explained that the studio is still in the process, currently, Communication Science will focus on developing and equipping a laboratory that will receive nearly 1 billion in funding in the coming year.

The completeness of the lighting design and the camera has been adequately addressed and equipped so that all subjects can be practiced. This was also conveyed during the Public Hearing, “We have completed the lighting design, the design of all additional cameras so that all subjects can be practiced, namely; video news production, audio production, photojournalism production, broadcast programming. Everything at the product output level can already be supported by the laboratory and used directly by students,” said Rouli Manalu as the Head of the Communication Studies Study Program.

Author: Sanita Sitinjak

Reporter: Almira Khairunnisa

Editor: Annisa Qonita Andini