UNDIP Ranked 8th In The 34th PIMNAS

Posted by En_Admin

November 8, 2021

The series of the 34th National Student Science Week (PIMNAS) 2021 which was held from October 25 to October 29, 2021, by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology had reached its peak. The Closing ceremony of the 34th PIMNAS was held offline with limited participants at Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) and online through USU’s Youtube Channel on Friday night (29/10).

As many as 37 contingents of PKM from Universitas Diponegoro (Undip) succeeded to reach the top 10 positions, specifically it ranked 8th nationally improving three levels from the previous year.

The Vice-Rector I for Academic And Student Affairs Division, Prof Budi Setiyono, S.Sos., M.Pol. Admin., Ph.D., conveyed his pride and gratitude for the effort that had been given for the 34th PIMNAS. “As the Vice-Rector I for the Academic and Student Affairs Division, I’d like to say thank you for all the efforts you have been done. Keep up the spirit to all Young Diponegoro”, said Prof Budi.

Moreover, Prof Budi stated that the University would give appreciation for all contingent that had passed the 34th PIMNAS. “So, we still appreciate your effort, as participants who passed the PIMNAS, the University will provide academic and non-academic rewards,” he explained.

“Congratulation to those who won the medal, you did an incredible job, I hope it could be a useful historical achievement for you. And I’d like to congratulate you who had not won the medal, you still have another chance on the next year PIMNAS”, added Prof Budi.

In that annual national scientific event, the UNDIP PKM contingent had won 10 medals. The details of the medals for the presentation category were as many as 6 medals consisting of 1 gold, 1 silver, and 4 bronze medals. Meanwhile, there were 4 medals for the poster category which consisted of 3 golds and 1 bronze medal.

The following information is a list of the medal winners achieved by the UNDIP PKM contingent in the 34th PIMNAS:

  1. Gold for Presentation Category (PKMRE-6)

Title: Pemanfaatan Sereh Dapur (Cymbopogon citratus) dalam Enkapsulasi Bersalut Alginat Kitosan sebagai Sumber Kebutuhan Antioksidan.

Team Leader: Sadam Arrois

  1. Gold for Poster Category (PKMRE-6)

Title: Pemanfaatan Sereh Dapur (Cymbopogon citratus) dalam Enkapsulasi Bersalut Alginat Kitosan sebagai Sumber Kebutuhan Antioksidan.

Team Leader: Sadam Arrois

  1. Gold for Poster Category (PKMRE-10)

Title: Pelapis Superhidrofobik-Superoleofilik Berbahan Silika dengan Hexamethyldisilazane dan Methyltrimetoxysilane sebagai Pemisah Tumpahan Minyak di Laut.

Team Leader: Jessica Rahmaningrum.

  1. Gold for Poster Category (PKMRE-4)

Title: Bio-Scrubber Berbahan Bacterial Cellulose Terimpregnasi Antibakteri Flavonoid dari Daun Kelor sebagai Solusi Substitusi Mikroplastik.

Team Leader: Afriza Ni’Matus Sa’Adah.

  1. Silver for Presentation Category (PKMK-6)

Title: Inovasi Gel Aromaterapi Antikantuk dari Limbah Minyak Jelantah dan Ekstrak Serai Wangi dengan Metode Adsorbsi untuk Mendukung Belajar Online.

Team Leader: Sulham Efendi.

  1. Bronze for Presentation Category (PKMK-1)

Title: Inovasi Produk Ekstrak Daun Ketapang untuk Penstabil pH Air Pencegahan Penyakit Busung Ikan Hias sebagai Penopang Perekonomian Era Pandemi.

Team Leader: Meitri Bella Puspa.

  1. Bronze for Presentation Category (PKMK-6)

Title: Inovasi Smart Pop-Up Batik Book Dilengkapi Fitur Augmented Reality, Website Terintegrasi, serta Batik Kit sebagai Media Interaktif Pembelajaran Batik.

Team Leader: Gusti Fattahillah Putra Merdeka.

  1. Bronze for Presentation Category (PKMKC-4)

Title: Sistem Automasi Pompa di Polder dan Peringatan Dini untuk Mengantisipasi Banjir Berbasis Internet of Things dan Machine Learning.

Team Leader: Rifaldi Kallolangi.

  1. Bronze for Presentation Category (PKMRE-4)

Title: Bio-Scrubber Berbahan Bacterial Cellulose Terimpregnasi Antibakteri Flavonoid dari Daun Kelor sebagai Solusi Substitusi Mikroplastik.

Team Leader: Afriza Ni’Matus Sa’Adah.

  1. Bronze for Poster Category (PKMRE-1)

Title: Andrographolide-Loaded Nanoniosome tanpa Kolesterol Sambiloto (Andrographis Paniculata) sebagai Penghambat Main Protease (Mpro) SARS-CoV-2.

Team Leader: Muchammad Faris.

On the final round of the 34th PIMNAS, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) became the General Champion. While, Institut Pertanian Bogor was on Second place, and Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember was in Third position.

The 34th PIMNAS was a prestigious national student scientific competition that was held annually by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology. This year, the 34th PIMNAS was followed by 3.126 students with 735 teams from 108 universities around Indonesia.


Source: undip.ac.id